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Inger Sundheim FløistadSammendrag
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T.S. Aamlid Å. Susort A.A. StensohnSammendrag
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Stein Harald HjeltnesSammendrag
Shelf lif of pears was recorded by means of fruit firmness and incidence of internal breakdown in European pears (Pyrus communis) in the years 1995-1997. Fruit firmness was not directly related to the incidence of internal breakdown, and therefore it is suggested that records of internal breaddown following a specific procedure of ripening could be adopted as seleciton criteria for shelf life. Colorée de Juillet as mother proved to give offspring with short shelf life. Combinations with Conference and Clara Frijsgav high fruit firmness and low tendency to internal breakdown.
Halvor Torgersen Torstein LislandSammendrag
Ved vedlikehold av skogsbilveger blir stein og annet grovt materiale ofte skilt ut og dumpet, og nytt materiale tilført. I Østerrike har man arbeidet i en årrekke med å utvikle en maskin som kan knuse grovt materiale mens den beveger seg forover, og blande dette med det øvrige materiale i vegen. Dermed unngår en at ”avfall” blir dumpet i vegkanten, og en slipper en fordyrende transport av masse. Det er nå kommet på markedet en maskin som synes å være robust nok til å klare slikt arbeide.
Richard HorntvedtSammendrag
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Anders BrynSammendrag
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Ketil HaarstadSammendrag
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P.I. KraftSammendrag
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S. Rekolainen V. Gouy R. Francaviglia Ole Martin Eklo I. BärlundSammendrag
The GLEAMS modell predicts runoff, percolation and soil and chemical losses at the edge of a field and from the root zone. The objective of this study was to test the performance of the GLEAMS model against three observed data sets from different parts of Europe. Three users tested the model independently, i.e. parametrized the model without discussion with the other users. Both uncalibrated and calibrated results are presented. Furthermore, the pesticide sub-model was parametrized according to proposals of the supplier of the measurement data. The test was focused on soil moisture, tractor (bromide) and pesticide movements in soil columns. The results show that GLEAMS soil moisture predictions appear to react too rapidly to wet and dry periods, resulting in a rapid change of soil moisture between field capacity and wilting point. Incomplete simulation of soil water dynamics seems to be the main reason for underestimation of tracer movement in soil. In addition, mismatches in soil pesticide concentrations might be caused by incorrect prediction of degradation processes. The results of the independent users different considerably from each other, both in uncalibrated and in calibrated results, due to different interpretation of the measured data.