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Resultater fra Landsskogtakseringens 7. omdrev viser at det er ca. 8 m3 per ha med dødt trevirke i Norges skoger. Dette er høyere enn i våre naboland Sverige og Finland. Resultatkontrollen i 1998 og 1999 viser at arealet som forynges naturlig og ved planting holder seg relativt stabilt sammenliknet med årene før. Arealet avvirket med snauhogst er imidlertid gått ned i 1998 og 1999 sammenliknet med tallene for 1997.Emneord Resultatkontroll, Dødt virke, Foryngelse, Skogseksjonen


In this paper the results from 12 locations concerning streams and rivers are presented from the years 1995-1999. During this period 851 samples have been collected giving the result that 63% contained pesticide residues. Of a number of 53 substances have 33 pesticides been detected in surface water.Of these, 21 were herbicides, 8 fungicides and 5 insecticides. A number og 13 different pesticides were detected in concentrations, supposed to have environmental impact on algae, daphnia or other aquatic species. The different pesticides showed very different pattern according to the frequency and concentrations that were measured.


Competition between established Dactylis glomerata or Festuca pratensis/Taraxacum officinale swards and seedlings of Trifolium pratense was studied under field conditions in Norway. Root competition from the Festuca pratensis/Taraxacum officinale sward was significantly greater than that from a Dactylis glomerata sward. The balance in root and shoot competition varied between experimental years because of variation in environmental conditions. In the first experimental year root competition had a greater effect on seedling dry weight than shoot competition, while the opposite was found in the second year. However, both root and shoot competition (full competition) in comparison with no competition gave proportionally the same effects in both years, indicating that an alleviation in root competition will be followed by intensified shoot competition. An increasing effect of shoot competition with time on plant dry weight was found. In a second experiment, seedlings of Lolium perenne and Trifolium pratense produced the highest plant dry weights in competition with an established Phleum pratense sward, followed by seedlings of Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense and Trifolium repens in decreasing order. However, no interactions between seedling species and competition treatments were found, indicating no differences in sensitivity between seedling species to competition from the established grass sward. The results are discussed in the context of renovating grassland by direct drilling.


Rosenrot (Rhodiola rosea spp. rosea L.) er viltvoksende over det meste av Norge. Den har minst tretti andre navn på norsk, og har i eldre tid vært brukt til mat og fôr. Den har blitt tillagt mange forskjellige medisinske egenskaper, men det er først etter 1990 at disse egenskapene har fått større oppmerksomhet i den vestlige verden. Ved Planteforsk Kise har en begynt med dyrkingsforsøk, og i Sverige er det en foredlingsbedrift som selger "Arktisk rot" med egenskaper som synes å være minst like positive som de en finner hos ginseng. Rosenrot er av interesse for parfymeindustrien, og den fungerer også som en sterk antioksidant. I denne litteraturoversikten finnes både en beskrivelse av planten og en kort omtale av innholdsstoffene. Det er vist til mulige bruksområder, og det er tatt med resultat og erfaringer fra dyrking av rosenrot under nordiske forhold.


The connection between rural economic development policy and forest policy in Norway during the past decades is discussed. Because of this connection it is debatable whether it is reasonable to maintain a strong focus on timber supply in Norwegian forest policy in the future. By analyzing studies related to forestry in the context of rural development, the lack of combined rural development research and forestry research is shown. It is argued that rural policy/research and forest policy/research should be combined in the future regarding topics related to forestry in the field of rural development.