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This study shows that it is questionable if critical load modelling can contribute in the search for harmful effects of acid deposition on forest health at present. Critical loads for S and N deposition were calculated using the MAGIC and PROFILE models for more than 100 monitoring plots in Norway spruce forest in south-east Norway. The two models gave different results, likely due to differences in the models, including differences in the time spans applied. The PROFILE model gave considerably more plots with exceedance than the MAGIC model. At plots where the CL was exceeded, calcium/aluminium (Ca/Al) ratios in the soil solutions were low. However, very few of these plots had possible harmful values of the Ca/Al-ratio. More than 50 yr seems in most cases to be needed to bring Ca/Al ratios below 1.0. Present deposition was better correlated with measured forest condition variables such as crown condition and needle chemistry, than with modelled exceedance according to any of the two methods. The deposition of S and N was weakly, negatively correlated to foliar concentrations of P and Ca, and positively to foliar N concentrations and crown density.


§ Bruk av husdyrgjødsel er sammenlignet med ulike kombinasjoner av N, P og K i mineralgjødsel på morenejord i Vang, Hedmark, siden 1922. Avlingsresultater for de siste fem årene er presentert her. § Avlingene uten gjødsel ligger i snitt på halvparten av nivået som en fikk ved bruk av 10 kg N, 2,5 kg P og 12 kg K pr. dekar § Av enkeltstoffene gav bruk av nitrogen fortsatt størst avlingsøkning, etterfulgt av fosfor og så kalium. Begge de sistnevnte viste positivt samspill med nitrogen § Ved bruk av fastgjødsel fra en biodynamisk gård, gav årlige mengder av 2, 4 og 6 tonn pr. dekar henholdsvis 84%, 94% og 97% av avlingsnivået en fikk med mengdene N, P og K som er nevnt ovenfor, gitt i mineralform § Balanse mellom tilførsel og bortførsel av nitrogen fikk en ved bruk av noe over 5 kg N/daa/år i mineralgjødsel, og med noe under 2 tonn husdyrgjødsel/daa/år


Isoproturon is a herbicide which is fairly soluble in water and is considered a risk compound for leaching to surface and ground water. The fungicide metalaxyl is even more water soluble than isoproturon and can be rapidly leached from sandy soil that are low in organic matter. Transformation rates of isoproturon and metalaxyl in a silty clay loam and a sandy loam from Norway have been studied in the laboratory as well as in the field. Production of the metabolites monodesmethyl-isoproturon, didesmethyl-isoproturon and the acid-metabolite of metalaxyl were also monitored.


Degradation and dissipation studies in laboratory and field were performed with isoproturon (IPU) to produce data for modelling the fate of an autumn applied pesticide in a Gleyic Podzoluvisol in Norway. Transformation rate studies of IPU in the laboratory displayed a half-life of 13 days in the topsoil (0-20 cm) and 21 days in the subsoil (20-40 cm) at 20 degrees C. The production of two major metabolites were also studied. In the field, less than 9% of the IPU applied leached further than 20 cm. The half-life of IPU in the field was 21 days.


Tilleggsgjødsling med 25 kg MultiKMg kombinert med bladgjødsling med Wuxal kalsium (0,5 l pr. dekar) gav den friskeste og kraftiste risvekstenø, og også den største avligen, spesielt i den største sorteringen. Dette forsøksleddet hadde også mindre stengelråte. Nye og mer omfattende utprøvinger vil bli gjort i 2002-sesongen.


Beskrivelse av treslaget. Utbredelse. Ved. Krav til voksested. Bruk i eldre tider. Folkemedisin. Utnyttelse av taxol i dag. Økonomisk betydning. Fredete barlindbestand.