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Abstract. Soil samples from fields infected with Heterodera avenae, H. filipjevi and Globodera rostochiensis were examined for the presence of fungi on eggs and juveniles. Different levels of natural infestation of cysts by fungi were detected. Fungi belonging to the class Deuteromycota have been isolated from cereal cyst nematodes (Heterodera spp., H. avenae and H. filipjevi) and potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis). Verticillium chlamydosporium Goddard (syn. Pochonia chlamydosporia) was isolated from cereal cyst nematodes and Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson was isolated from potato cyst nematodes. The aim of this study is to investigate the possible occurrence of microbial antagonists of cyst nematodes in Norway. This is the first report of fungi infecting cyst nematodes in Norway.


Constructed wetlands remove pollutants by physical, chemical, and biological processes. The pollutant removal efficiency is strongly dependent on the hydraulic characteristics of the wetlands. Hydrology highly affects the hydraulic flow regime and thus has a huge effect on the treatment processes. The current design criteria based on the simplifying assumptions of plug flow and first order decay of pollutants do not accurately predict wetland performance. The lifetime of a filter material may also be strongly affected by a non-uniform flow pattern. In this paper, the effects of different hydrological factors on the transport and removal of pollutants in subsurface-flow (SSF) constructed wetland are reviewed from the research literature, and is examined by experiments and numerical simulations. Results from tracer experiments (Br-) in small-scale subsurface-flow wetlands, with and without vegetation, are presented. Analytical and numerical solutions were used to describe the experimental observations. A three-dimensional finite-difference flow model (MODFLOW) coupled to the transport model (MT3DMS) was used to obtain the numerical solutions. In a series of transport simulations, hydraulic parameters, hydraulic conductivity, effective porosity, and longitudinal dispersivity, were estimated. Results showed that the estimated hydraulic conductivity values were reasonably close to the laboratory-measured values. Although the simulations gave a good representation of the effluent breakthrough curve in the experimental containers, it did not describe the flow pattern within the volume very well. Non-isotropic effects or heterogeneities in the Ks values and/or Kd values could be the cause of inconsistencies in local observations. The field scale experiment showed a large variability in soil physical properties, which gave, rise to unexpected breakthrough curves at the observation wells and at the outlet. Thus, at a field scale it was even more difficult to capture the observed phenomena in Visual modflow, heterogeneities might have given rise to preferential flow paths, data from this experiment have not yet been fully analysed, and further simulations are planned to include heterogeneity. Although we have not yet been able to describe sufficiently the factors, which give rise to the heterogeneous flow pattern, simulations in Modflow are very useful to improve understanding and design of constructed wetlands. To be able to solve the transport equations analytically the system has to be simplified to a larger degree than in a numerical model, but the analytical solutions are still useful to get a rough idea of the flow and transport processes.


Norwegian dairy farmers are facing changes in the economic environment. Prices of products and concentrates are falling, while area and headage payments are increasing. The availability of grasslands has become more abundant. Impact of changes in economic conditions on production systems and profitability are examined. Linear programming models of dairy farms, with grain and beef as alternative enterprises, are designed to analyse the adjustments. Optimal production systems are largely determined by a combination of economic factors associated with the various inputs, outputs and support schemes together with availability of farm resources. The typical Norwegian dairy farm has a small quota compared to other farm resources. Producing a fixed milk quota with moderate yielding cows is then most profitable (1999-conditions). Early cut silage offered ad libitum is most profitable. Changes in the milk price have no effects on production as long as the quota is effective. If all of the land is utilised and grassland is the only possible land use, increased area payments have no production effects. If some grassland is not in use, area payments increase land utilisation as cows are fed less concentrate. If grain is also grown, increased grassland area payments result in more land allocated to grass. Forage and milk production become less intensive. By increasing headage payments, milk yield falls, as it is optimal to have more cows to produce the fixed quota output. This contributes to keep more grassland in production and in a more intensive forage production. Lower concentrate prices lead to increased use of concentrates and higher milk yields.


Et samarbeidsprosjekt (2002-2005) i regi av Planteforsk er igangsatt med formål å fornye og/eller videreutvikle sprøyteutstyr i jordbær. Det vil bli kjørt feltforsøk med diverse prototyper allerede sommeren 2003. Eksisterende sprøyteutstyr ble kartlagt høsten 2002. Enkle avsetnings- og avdriftsmålinger ble utført. Bruk av skjerm viste seg å ikke være noen garanti for redusert avdrift. I dette prosjektet vil det derfor bli sett på muligheten til å utnytte plantene selv som avskjerming. Forslag på prototyper som vil inngå i prosjektet er beskrevet. Det er også diskutert hvilke plantesoner som må behandles for ulike skadegjørere, og hvordan dette teknisk kan sikres på en optimal måte. Endelige forsøksresultater og nøyaktig tekniske beskrivelse på utviklet sprøyteutstyr vil først være endelig fastsatt ved prosjektets avslutning. Rianor AS deltar som norsk industripartner i prosjektet. Et viktig mål er at utstyret blir satt i produksjon og kan tilbys jordbærdyrkerne.


Et samarbeidsprosjekt (2002-2005) i regi av Planteforsk er igangsatt med formål å fornye og/eller videreutvikle sprøyteutstyr i jordbær. Eksisterende sprøyteutstyr ble kartlagt høsten 2002, og feltforsøk med ulike prototyper ble gjennomført i 2003. Metodikk, metoder, og foreløpige resultater er presentert.


Plommesortane "Avalon", Excalibur", "Jubileum", "Reeves" and "Victoria er svært ulike med omsyn til viktige faktorar som påverkar fruktkvaliteten. Sortane vart vurderte av eit forbrukarpanel og eit ekspertpanel. Forbrukarane likte best "Excalibur", medan "Reeves" vart vurdert som den dårlegaste. Ekspertpanelet vurderte "Avalon" som mest smakfull, medan "Excalibur" var mest aromatisk. "Avalon" og "Jubileum" fekk høgast smakspoenga etter lagring på grunn av nedgang i syreinnhald. Sortar med lite syre fekk låge smakspoeng etter lagring. Plommer mjuknar under lagring. "Reeves" i mindre grad enn dei andre sortane som var med i desse forsøka.