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Artiklen gjer greie for ulike måtar å støtta opp intensive eple- og pæreplantingar. Dette vert vist med teikningar kombinert med teknisk omtale.
Torgeir EdlandSammendrag
Torgeir Edland etterlot seg et upublisert materiale som nå er ferdig redigert. Dette heftet av Grønn kunnskap inneholder omtale av alle de viktigste sugende skadedyrene i frukt: midd, teger, sikader, sugere, bladlus, skjoldlus og trips. Mange nyttedyr er også omtalt (midd, teger). Kapittelet om teger er skrevet av Kåre Hesjedal. Over 60 arter er beskrevet i detalj og omfattende opplysninger om historikk, vertplanter, utbredelse, levevis, skade, naturlige fiender og bekjempelse er gitt. For de fleste artene finnes det gode strektegninger i svart-hvitt og illustrative figurer som viser de forskjellige stadiene av livssyklus gjennom året. Det finnes oversiktlige bestemmelsestabeller for midd, teger, sugere og bladlus som gjør det enkelt å fi nne fram til riktig art. Hovedgruppene av midd og sugende insekter er også omtalt.
Svein SolbergSammendrag
Summer drought, i.e. unusually dry and warm weather, has been a significant stress factor for Norway spruce in southeast Norway during the 14 years of forest monitoring. Dry and warm summers were followed by increases in defoliation, discolouration of foliage, cone formation and mortality. The causal mechanisms are discussed. Most likely, the defoliation resulted from increased needle-fall in the autumn after dry summers.During the monitoring period 19882001, southeast Norway was repeatedly affected by summer drought, in particular, in the early 1990s. The dataset comprised 455 Forest officers plots with annual data on crown condition and mortality. Linear mixed models were used for estimation and hypothesis testing, including a variancecovariance structure for the handling of random effects and temporal autocorrelation.
Petter SnilsbergSammendrag
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Erlend Ystrøm Haartveit R.A. Kozak T.C. ManessSammendrag
In this paper, we review the development of supply chain management (SCM) and identify a number of considerations for applying these techniques to the forest products industry. A review of the literature found that SCM initiatives were primarily customer focused, where a significant amount of market pull exists. However, the forest products industry is characterized by sales of commodity products with push marketing. Successful implementation of SCM in these types of supply chains were found to focus on efficiencies through: 1) increasing throughput and 2) reducing inventories. Potential for efficiency improvements are larger when a holistic perspective is applied, integrating processes across companies in the supply chain. Two supply chain mapping methods were identified from the literature as key techniques for use in the forest products industry, and these were applied to three case companies in the western Canadian province of British Columbia. In general, it was found to be especially challenging to apply these techniques (and SCM in general) to commodity-based supply chains because of uncertainty in raw material supply, the relatively long lead times in production, and production processes that generate a relatively high percentage of consequence products. However, the mapping processes yielded some promising results with respect to creating an overview of supply chain structures, time consumption, and inventories. One major benefit derived from applying these methods would be improved communications between actors, customers, and suppliers along the supply chain. The authors suggest that SCM mapping tools be modified to improve their performance in analyzing supply chains for the forest products industry.
Christer Magnusson Hans Overgaard Hans Nyeggen Karl Thunes Solveig Haukeland Bonsak HammeraasSammendrag
In this survey of 2002, 600 samples were collected from 83 forest blocks in the counties Akershus, Buskerud, Oppland and Østfold. The sampling activity involved 16 municipallities situated mainly within the three zone sites A, B, and C. Samples from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) formed 89%, while samples of Norway spruce (Picea abies) made up 10% of the total sample volume. Timber and forest debris were the most common objects sampled. Sixty-five percent of the pine samples and 81% of the spruce samples showed signs of Monochamus activity. Nematodes were common and occurred in 94% of the samples analysed. Thirteen samples of pinewood were positive for the genus Bursaphelenchus. Bursaphelenchus mucronatus was recorded for the third time in Norway, and was detected in forest debris attacked by Monochamus at Bjørdalen in the municipality of Eidsberg in the county of Østfold. The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was not detected in this survey.
In this survey of 2003, 600 samples were collected from 96 forest blocks in the counties of Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder in southern Norway. The sampling activity involved 19 municipalities situated mainly within the two zone sites D and E close to Kristiansand and Arendal. Samples from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) formed 92%, while samples of Norway spruce (Picea abies) made up 8% of the total sample volume. Timber and forest debris was the most common objects sampled. Ninety-eight percent of the samples, regardless of tree species, showed signs of Monochamus activity. Nematodes were common and occurred in 90% of the samples analysed. Eight samples of pinewood were positive for the genus Bursaphelenchus. This genus did not occur in spruce. Bursaphelenchus mucronatus was detected in 6 samples of forest debris of pine attacked by Monochamus and collected in the county of Aust-Agder. In the municipality of Evje and Hornes B. mucronatus was detected at Skjerkelia and Sutestad. In the municipality of Froland the nematode was found in two samples from Budalsfjellet, and in one sample from Mjålandsvatn. In the municipality of Birkenes one sample from Vågsdalen contained B. mucronatus. This is the fourth report on the occurrence of B. mucronatus in Norway. The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was not detected.
K. RobertsenSammendrag
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K.R. RobertsenSammendrag
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