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Ecosystems as objects of natural sciences are often difficult to understand, as an object of traditional management they are sometimes easy to utilize. Computer-based modeling offers new tools to study this apparent paradox.We propose an interactive framework from which the traditional approach based on dynamic system theory can be challenged for living systems: Models derived on the basis of the state concept have not (yet?) allowed predictions that derive novel management competence relevant for the altered boundary conditions of ecosystems. Here a concept of interaction as currently used in information sciences serves as starting point for deriving models more appropriate for ecosystems.An application and test of this concept consists in a search for signatures of interaction in environmental and ecological time series. Confronted with the notorious lack of detailed process understanding, it is plausible to rely on time series analysis techniques. The intricate nature of typical multivariate data sets from ecosystems immediately suggests a preference for nonlinear techniques, and among them temporally local methods, able to detect even subtle changes in the underlying dynamics.We shortly introduce a couple of these methods, which have been demonstrated to be appropriate for time series exceeding minimal length requirements. This is exemplified by recurrence quantification analysis. In addition we present methods to quantify the memory content (Hurst analysis) and complexity of data sets (defined in an informationtheoretic context).Time series analysis of extended environmental and ecological data sets can give detailed structural insights, monitors subtle changes undetectable otherwise, forms the basis for further inferences and provides rigorous model testing on all scales. The success of dynamic system theory when applied to non-living environmental data is strikingly contrasted by the difficulties of the same method when dealing with ecological data We conjecture that this difference reflects the extent to which interaction has been disregarded for ecosystems.
Peder GjerdrumSammendrag
Trefuktighet er en viktig kvalitetsegenskap ved bruk og omsetning av trelast. I denne rapporten presenteres en praktisk modell, en algoritme, for beregning av løpende fuktighet i partier av strølagt last basert på observasjon av fukt ut fra tørkene, kunnskap om lagringsstedet og løpende observasjon av relastiv luftfuktighet i omgivelsene. Ut fra disse opplysningene beregnes gjennomsnittlig fukt og standardavvik. Modellen bygger på generell kunnskap om samspillet mellom tre og vann, akkumulert erfaring og undersøkelser hos oppdragsgiver og eksperimenter i direkte tilknytning til eksperimentet. De viktigste elementene i modellen er opplysninger om en lokal normal for trefuktighet, variasjonsvidde rundt denne normalen som følge av avvikende vær, nivåforskjeller i trefukt for ulike lagertyper, endringstakt avhengig av årstid og lagertype, og sammenheng mellom vær og fuktendring. Modellen er ment å implementeres i bedriftens MPS-system.
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Ken Olaf StoraunetSammendrag
Number of years since death was estimated by dendrochronological cross-dating of 107 standing dead trees (snags) of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in a submountainous old-growth forest in south-central Norway. Snag characteristics (size, bark cover, branch order present and variables derived from tree-ring analyses) were used in stepwise linear regression procedures to identify variables that explained time since death.Number of branch orders present (where branches growing directly on the stem were branch order 1, branches growing on order 1 branches were order 2, and so on) explained two-thirds of the variation in time since death. Adding other significant variables, such as diameter, relative height of snags, percentage bark cover and average tree-ring width in the final years before death, increased model precision only moderately.The models were validated by the PRESS statistic, which showed that new observations were predicted fairly well with 65-69% of the variation explained.
Roald AasenSammendrag
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Roald AasenSammendrag
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Axel Schmidt K. Witzel Gazmend Zeneli D. Martin J. Bohlmann Paal Krokene Trygve Krekling Ari M. Hietala Carl Gunnar Fossdal Erik Christiansen Jonathan GershenzonSammendrag
The study of conifer chemical defense has been dominated by investigations of oleoresin and its components. However, the actual function of resin components in plant defense and their mode of action is still uncertain, and the role of other defense compounds is relatively unexplored.We are studying the biochemical and molecular bases of chemical defenses, including terpenes, phenolics and chitinases, in Norway spruce (Picea abies) to learn more about how the accumulation of defense compounds is regulated, with the long-term goal of manipulating defense levels to test their function.Manipulation can be crudely accomplished by treatment with methyl jasmonate, which often mimics the general increases in defenses seen following herbivore or pathogen attack. Such treatment was shown to increase resistance to a fungal associate of bark beetles.To more conclusively test function, isolated genes of defense biosynthetic pathways are being transformed into Norway spruce to produce plants whose defense profiles are altered more precisely.
Ricardo Holgado Janet A. Rowe Christer MagnussonSammendrag
Morfologiske karakterer og morfometri til cyster og andre-stadie juveniler for to Heterodera filipjevi-populasjoner fra Norge ble studert og sammenliknet med publiserte data for H. filipjevi. Resultatene fra den morfologiske analysen øker variasjonsbredde til cystekarakterer. Studien gir også ny informasjon om hodets morfologi hos hunnen, cystens kutikula og vulva kjegle, likesom lateralfelt til andre-stadie juvenilen. Disse kompletterende data vil gjøre den morfologiske identifikasjonen av H. filipjevi lettere.