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Studies on beneficial fungi for the control of agricultural pests in Norway began in the early 1990s. The first studies were in connection with a Masters thesis. Development of this area of research was enhanced by a research fellowship to the USA and through Ph.D. studies. The establishment of a laboratory for insect pathology and much of the work done in Norway has been greatly aided by international cooperation.


Vi har i løpet av et års tid målt klima- og klimagradienter i veksthus med snittroser. Resultatene fra disse målingene har stor relevans for problematikken rundt meldugg i veksthus. I denne artikkelen presenteres derfor en del resultater fra disse målingene hvor hovedvekten legges på mikroklima og klimagradienter.


Lærebok i plantedyrking for tekniks fagskole. Boka omfatter kapitler som "Naturvern, kulturlandskap og biologisk mangfold", "Vekstskifte", "Plantevernplaner", "Avfall og resirkulering", "Gjødslingsplan" og "Helse, miljø og sikkerhet


In the period 1993-1996 an experimental field with application of the pesticides bentazone, MCPA and dichlorprop was carried out at Mørdre in Akershus. Samples of surface and drainage water were continuous collected from the field, which were 6 ha. The field was a part of a larger area grown with small grain. Surface water samples were collected from four small plots with different soil management. Columns from three different soil types were installed in the field, to study the movement of the pesticides in the upper soil layer. Bentazone was the most frequently found pesticide and with the highest concentrations in the surface runoff. MCPA was detected at the lowest frequency and with the lowest concentration. From the periods with water flow measurements, the pesticide runoff was less than 1 % of the amount added. The concentrations in the surface water were less than 1/10000 of the L(E)C50 - value for the most sensitive water organisms used in toxicological tests. Bentazone was found in all samples of drainage water in 1995 and 1996. In drainage water the concentrations of all pesticides were less than 1/1000 of the L(E)C50 - value for the most sensitive water organism. In the column experiment, there were no indications of accumulation of pesticides in the upper soil layer and the recovery was up to 4 % of added amount one year after the last spraying.