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A method for baiting soil samples with Delia floralis larvae was developed, and a systematic survey was conducted on soils from northern Norway for insect pathogenic fungi, using D. floralis and Galleria mellonella larvae as bait. The occurrence of insect pathogenic fungi in soils from arable fields and adjacent field margins of conventionally and organically managed farms was compared. The study showed a significantly higher occurrence of insect pathogenic fungi in soils from arable fields of organically managed farms. No significant differences in the occurrence of insect pathogenic fungi were, however, found between the field margins of the two cropping systems. Fungal species identified in the study were Beauveria bassiana, Fusarium merismoides, Metarhizium anisopliae and Tolypocladium cylindrosporum. T. cylindrosporum was found more frequently when using D. floralis as the bait insect than when using G. mellonella.


Spørsmålet har vært reist om høy CO2-konsentrasjon kan ha en direkte innvirkning på utviklingen av meldugg. For å undersøke dette ble effekten på mekduggutviklingen av å øke konsentrasjon fra den anbefalte på ca. 900 ppm (for maksimal produksjon) til ca. 2000 ppm, undersøkt på to snittrosesorter. I tillegg presenteres noen resultater om CO2 og lys til potteroser.


Chemical analysis documented an initial concentration of propiconazole of 102 ± 17 ug/l which after 5 days were decreased to 48 ± 1 ug/l. Propiconazole was stable in water during 5 days at this temperature, and the decrease is explained by bioaccumulation. The propiconazole concentration in the tanks given both propiconazole and glyfosate, decreased from 99 ± 7 ug/l previous observations (to 55 ± 6 ug/l. The bioaccumulation factor is 114 ± 12, which is in accordance with a previous observation of 130. Approximately 50% of the initial propiconazole has been absorbed and/or adsorbed to the skin) by the fish during the 5 days the experiment lasted. The initial glyphosate concentration was 108 ± 1 ug/l with a decrease to 99 ± 2 ug/l after 5 days. Glyphosate was stable in water, and less than 1 % of the degradation product, AMPA, was found in the water. Ten percent of the initial glyphosate was absorbed by the fish. The hepatic EROD activity in fish given propiconazole was 26 ± 11 pmol/min, mgp, which was not significantly different from the fish given both propiconazole and glyphosate (32 ±15 pmol/min,mgp). Glyphosate did not have any effect on hepatic EROD activity. Effect on hepatic and gill GST The GST activity towards CDNB was about 10 and 1.8 µmol/min./mg protein for the liver and gills respectively. No significant changes were observed with the pesticide treatments.


Det kommer stadig nye ideer om hvordan bekjempe meldugg i veksthus. Det norske firmaet Airgenic er i ferd med å utprøve bruk av ioniseringsanlegg med dette formålet. Vi har gjennomført et forsøk for å få en ide om hvor sterkt en slik metode innvirker på melduggutviklingen på snittroser. I samme forsøk har vi undersøkt effekten av ozon og luftfuktighet på melduggen.


Resultater fra to forsøk med ulik jordarbeiding utført i Ås blir rapportert. I det ene forsøket ble ugrasfrø blandet inn i jorda ved start høsten 1993 og deretter ble frøtilførsel forhindret. Jordarbeiding tappet jorda for ugrasfrø og førte til stor oppspiring på ledd pløyd høst eller vår, mens redusert jordarbeiding (høstharving, vårharving, ingen jordarbeiding) hadde flere frø igjen i jorda etter 6 år og totalt mindre oppspiring i perioden 1994-2000 dersom frøformering ble forhindret. I et annet forsøk med fri frøformering i vårkorn var det mer økning fra 1994 til 1999 både i antall oppspirte planter og mengde ugrasfrø i jorda på ledd med redusert jordarbeiding i forhold til pløyde ledd.