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Problemer med overvintringssopp i høstkorn er ikke en årviss foreteelse i områdene for høstkorndyrking, heller ikke i de indre strøk. I år med soppangrep kan imidlertid skadene bli store. En behandling med et soppmiddel vil kunne hindre store årsvariasjoner, og meravlingen betaler i de fleste tilfelle for behandlingen. Sikkerheten i høstkorndyrkingen blir følgelig større. Behandling er viktigst i de indre deler av Østlandet, på store planter og med korn (hvete, bygg eller rug) som forgrøde. I områder med mer ustabilt snødekke vil kornplantenes størrelse ved innvintring, forgrøde og mengden av spillkorn, ugras og halm i overflata ha betydning for avgjørelsen om behandling. Godkjente midler for bruk mot overvintringssopp i høstkorn er Sportak og Stratego. Høsten 2004 ble det gitt dispensasjon for å bruke Amistar i blanding med Sportak. I de mindre snørike områdene vil sannsynligvis en lav dose av et strobilurinholdig preparat gi tilstrekkelig god virkning.


Urtedyrkarar skal snart ut å tinga frø for neste sesong, men mykje urtefrø vert framleis selt utan sortsnamn. Då kan ein ha flaks å få noko som er bra, eller du kan få noko som overhode ikkje passar i vårt klima og som ikkje smakar godt. Etter fleire års prøving kan vi no tilrå gode sortar av ein del urter.


Field experiments were carried out on three representative soils, to evaluate the effect of various starter fertilizers, together with different rates of band placed phosphorus (P), on nutrient uptake and yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The starter fertilizers were placed in the immediate vicinity of the seed, while the band placed P was placed at about 5 cm below the seeds and spaced at 25 cm between alternate seed rows. As starter fertilizer, monoammonium phosphate (MAP), calcium nitrate (CAN), ammonium nitrate (AN) and triple superphosphate (P20) were compared. In both species, effects of starter fertilizer on P uptake were most marked early in the growing season. At GS 13 application of 20 kg P ha-1 as MAP increased the P uptake by 50 % in barley and by 35 % in wheat, compared to no seed-placed nutrients. In grain, the increase in P content was 8 % for both species. The higher P uptake at GS 13 was supported by observations of higher plant vigour in the treatments with either P20 or MAP as starter fertilizer. The use of N only as starter fertilizer did not increase the vigour of the plants. Band placement of P also gave more vigorous plants in spring barley. The grain yield increased on the silty clay loam and on the silt soil when starter fertilizer was applied, especially with the use of MAP. Smaller and non-significant yield differences were found when starter fertilizer was used on the loam soil. No delay or reduction of emergence was observed with starter fertilizer. Therefore, on soils where root growth or nutrient uptake becomes limited during the first weeks after sowing, application of starter fertilizer is recommended in Norway to both spring barley and spring wheat. Crops grown on silty soils seem to have an especially high demand for easily available P given as starter fertilizer.


Herbage selenium (Se) concentration is generally low in Norway. It is unknown, if feeding practises on Norwegian organic farms fulfil the dietary need of Se and vitamin E to sheep and dairy cattle. Therefore, we analysed Se in soil and herbage, and Se and vitamin E in animal blood in the indoor feeding season at 14 organic dairy and 14 organic sheep farms. The herbage Se concentration was low. Approximately 50 and 35 % of all samples in the first and second cut, respectively, had Se concentrations below the detection limit of 0.01 mg/kg dry matter (DM). The median (10th, 90th percentile) Se concentrations were


Herbage selenium ( Se) concentration is generally low in Norway. It is unknown whether feeding practices on Norwegian organic farms fulfil the dietary needs of Se and vitamin E for sheep and dairy cattle. Therefore we analysed Se in soil and herbage, and Se and vitamin E in animal blood in the indoor feeding season at 14 organic dairy and 14 organic sheep farms. The herbage Se concentration was low. Approximately 50 and 35% of all samples in the first and second cut, respectively, had Se concentrations belo


Notisen presenterer biologi og utseende til stikkelbærbladveps, som kan snauspie busker av stikkelsbær og rips. Den etterlyser også opplysninger om bladvepslarver i solbær i Norge.


Wood is prone to natural decay. Unless properly conserved, sawlog quality will deteriorate due to checks, blue stain, rot wood borers and other causes. Log spraying has proved an efficient method for softwood quality preservation. The method is used both for seasonal storing during spring and summer, and for log preservation, e.g. following storm felling, for periods up to three years. A description of wood quality aspects and environmental impacts as well as practical and technical remedies are given.Most timber quality features will be upheld provided some basic routines are followed. Wood strength seems unaffected. Some discoloration due to tannin diffusion and spots of increased permeability due to bacterial colonies might be experienced. It is suggested that the method might be advantageous for the Italian Alpine forest industry.