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Nålnematoden Longidorus elongatus er allment forekommende i Norge og mange kulturvekster er gode vertsplanter. Nematoden er virusvektor, men er også en viktig primær skadegjører i jordbær. Nematodeangrepet gir dårlig vekst og plantedekning, redusert avling og mindre antall utløpere. Angrepne rotspisser blir kølleformet. Skadeterskelen er 3-5 individer per 250 gram jord, og det regnes med et avlingstap på 50% ved en nematodetetthet på 100 individer. Nematodetall på 600 individer per 250 gram jord gir totalskade i jordbær. Andre kulturplanter som skades er kepaløk, purre, knollselleri, rødbeter, raigras, solbær og rips. Nålenematoden er en regulert skadegjører og i utgangspunktet skal jord for produksjon av sertifiserte jordbærplanter være fri for L. elongatus, men stiklingsproduksjon av sertifiserte planter på plastduk er tillatt ved lave nematodetettheter. Et viktig forebyggende tiltak mot nålnematoder, i tillegg til bruk av sertifisert plantemateriale, er jordprøvetaking for nematoder før nye jordbærfelt etableres. For å redusere skader av nålnematoder på infiserte arealer er det viktig å brakklegge eller å bruke ikke-vertsplanter som bringebær, erter, havre, rabarbra, hvitkål og rug i vekstskiftene. Flere ugras er vertsplanter og ugraskontroll er derfor en viktig faktor som må vektlegges.


Næringsmangel kan føra til redusert vekst og dårlegare vinterherding, prydverdi og motstandskraft mot ulike skadegjerarar. Ofte er ikkje grunngjødsling nok til å få fram fine tre. Då må ein inn med supplerande gjødsling med ulike næringsstoff. På grunn av vokslag på eldre nåler, vert effektivt opptak av bladgjødsel hindra. Generelt bør difor alle former for bladgjødsling gjennomførast om våren i strekkingsperioden til dei nye skota. I denne perioden er skota mjuke og svært utsette for skade, så ein må vera varsam. I denne artikkelen vert det gitt ei tilråding om grunngjødsling og sett fokusert på symptom på ulike mangelsjukdomar og dei tiltaka som vert tilrådde av Pyntegrøntringen.


Oil transportation along the coastline of northern Norway has been one of the hottest topics discussed in the Barents Region for the recent two years. It is also an important issue of today"s political agenda and bilateral discussion between Norway and Russia. This Report is an extended and updated version of a similar report published back in 2003. The purpose of this new edition is to provide the reader with new and additional information. We believe this is of crucial importance as the organisation of the oil shipment through the Barents Sea is constantly changing. The new report presents the ongoing oil transportation activities in the Russian part of the Barents Region. Moreover, the report gives an overview of the existing reserves of hydrocarbons, oil production facilities, transportation routes (oil loading terminals, transshipment schemes, export routes) and transport systems (railways, waterways and pipelines), as well as some environmental aspects of the oil shipment (environmental policies and prevention systems). The authors also give their reflections and comments about oil transportation safety, and point out factors tat they believe are essential to achieve efficient oil spill protection inside the Russian Barents and further along the Norwegian coast. The report is prepared and published by Bioforsk Svanhovd (former Svanhovd Environmental Centre) with support from the Norwegian Barents Secretariat and the WWF Arctic Programmme. The report is also available in Russian.

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Here we report on low molecular weight organic acids in root exudates and soil solutions of Norway spruce and silver birch grown in rhizoboxes, sterile microcosms and the field. Monocarboxylic acids dominated in all three experimental systems. Formic, shikimic and oxalic acids were found in both spruce and birch microcosms. Fumaric acid was exclusive for spruce, while lactic, malonic, butyric and phthalic acids were only found in the birch microcosms. In spruce rhizoboxes oxalic, lactic, formic, butyric and pthalic acids were found. In addition, citric, adipic, propionic, succinic and acetic acids were observed in the rhizosphere of birch. Behind root windows in the field, only oxalic and lactic acids were found in the rhizosphere of spruce fine roots, whereas also formic and phthalic were observed close to birch fine roots, all at low concentrations. The rhizosphere of mycorrhizal short roots of birch contained butyric acid along with the acids observed for birch fine roots. Our results emphasise that characteristics of both the trees e.g. species, developmental stage, root density, mycorrhizal status, and the experimental system, i.e. growth conditions are important for the composition and the amount of organic acids. We conclude that the rhizosphere of birch contains more organic acids at higher concentrations than spruce. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Here we report on low molecular weight organic acids in root exudates and soil solutions of Norway spruce and silver birch grown in rhizoboxes, sterile microcosms and the field. Monocarboxylic acids dominated in all three experimental systems. Formic, shikimic and oxalic acids were found in both spruce and birch microcosms. Fumaric acid was exclusive for spruce, while lactic, malonic, butyric and phthalic acids were only found in the birch microcosms. In spruce rhizoboxes oxalic, lactic, formic, butyric and pthalic acids were found. In addition, citric, adipic, propionic, succinic and acetic acids were observed in the rhizosphere of birch. Behind root windows in the field, only oxalic and lactic acids were found in the rhizosphere of spruce fine roots, whereas also formic and phthalic were observed close to birch fine roots, all at low concentrations. The rhizosphere of mycorrhizal short roots of birch contained butyric acid along with the acids observed for birch fine roots. Our results emphasise that characteristics of both the trees e.g. species, developmental stage, root density, mycorrhizal status, and the experimental system, i.e. growth conditions are important for the composition and the amount of organic acids. We conclude that the rhizosphere of birch contains more organic acids at higher concentrations than spruce.