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Furubukk og andre Monochamus-arter er vektorer for furuvednematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus). Denne karanteneskadegjøreren er til nå ikke påvist i Norge. I plantehelseregelverket er det fastsatt strenge bestemmelser for å hindre innførsel av Monochamus-individer som kan være smittet av furuvednematode.


About 18% of the conventional dairy and cash crop farmers in Norway are considering to, and 4% are planning to convert to organic farming during the next five years. ...

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This article focuses on how to achieve non-trade concerns (NTC) and multifunctional goals that countries may have with minimal trade-distortion. The term 'multifunctional agriculture' focuses on the issue that agriculture, in addition to the production of food and fibre, also may provide national food security, environmental benefits and viable rural areas. The article claims that multifunctionality hardly can justify the use of market support while it may justify budget support. It is argued that just as a tax is widely accepted as the optimum policy for a negative externality, so should the use of a production-related subsidy or payment be accepted as optimum policy for a positive externality or public good that is produced jointly with or complementary to agricultural production. The article concludes with suggestions for WTO agricultural trade rules to prevent such policies from becoming a form of protectionism.


Leserinnlegg til en reportasje i lokalavisene angående vokterhunder som potensielle sauedrepere, der jeg på et faglig grunnlag argumenterer for hvilke egenskaper som ligger og ikke ligger til denne type hunder.


Mørk ringråte er en farlig sjukdom på potet og andre planter i søtvierfamilien. Den er forårsaket av bakterien Ralstonia solanacearum. Karanteneskadegjøreren er ikke påvist i Norge.