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Raud rotròte (Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi) er ein karanteneskadegjerar som angrip bringebær og hybridar av bringebær.


Inhalation of immunomodulating mycotoxins produced by Fusarium spp. that are commonly found in grain dust may imply health risks for grain farmers. Airborne Fusarium and mycotoxin exposure levels are mainly unknown due to difficulties in identifying Fusarium and mycotoxins in personal aerosol samples. We used a novel real-time PCR method to quantify the fungal trichodiene synthase gene (tri5) and DNA specific to F. langsethiae and F. avenaceum in airborne and settled grain dust, determined the personal inhalant exposure level to toxigenic Fusarium during various activities, and evaluated whether quantitative measurements of Fusarium-DNA could predict trichothecene levels in grain dust. Airborne Fusarium-DNA was detected in personal samples even from short tasks (10-60 min). The median Fusarium-DNA level was significantly higher in settled than in airborne grain dust (p < 0.001), and only the F. langsethiae-DNA levels correlated significantly in settled and airborne dust (r(s) = 0.20, p = 0.003). Both F. langsethiae-DNA and tri5-DNA were associated with HT-2 and T-2 toxins (r(s) = 0.24-0.71, p < 0.05 to p < 00.01) in settled dust, and could thus be suitable as indicators for HT-2 and T-2. The median personal inhalant exposure to specific toxigenic Fusarium spp. was less than 1 genome m(-3), but the exposure ranged from 0-10(5) genomes m(-3). This study is the first to apply real-time PCR on personal samples of inhalable grain dust for the quanti. cation of tri5 and species- specific Fusarium-DNA, which may have potential for risk assessments of inhaled trichothecenes.


In recent years there have been an increaseing number of observations of brown bear in the Pasvik Valley, Northern Norway. Based on observation from general public, a study of sighting of bear close or distant human instatlation from correlated to the development of the bear population, has been carried out to reveal if there has been a shange in the brown bear appearence close to human instatlation.


Resultater for 1998-2004 er rapportert fra fire langvarige (25-28 år) jordarbeidingsforsøk, der konvensjonell høstpløying er sammenlignet med redusert jordarbeiding, som regel grunn harving bare om våren. Results for 1998-2004 are reported from four long-term (25-28 years) tillage trials, comparing conventional autumn ploughing with reduced tillage, normally spring harrowing only. Plant residues were retained during the period studied. The weather was somewhat wetter than the 1961-1990 normal. Results with reduced tillage were mostly similar to those seen in earlier trial periods. In Trial 1, mean grain yield was 95% with spring harrowing only versus autumn ploughing, 96% when harrowing in autumn was performed as well and 97% when the soil was ploughed every third year. In Trial 2 positive crop rotation effects were found both with and without ploughing, and reduced tillage gave 5% lower grain yield in this trial also. In Trial 3, tillage system did not affect yields of cereals grown in rotation with potatoes, but reduced tillage gave 12% lower potato yield than ploughing. Little difference in response to N fertilizer was found. In Trial 4, reduced tillage on large-scale (0.7 ha) plots gave 11% lower grain yields than annual ploughing, partly due to shallow sowing depth. No long-term trend in the yield responses to tillage was discernible in any trial, and between-year variability was similar with both ploughing and reduced tillage. Percentage yields with reduced tillage relative to annual ploughing correlated positively with rainfall in May and with mean air temperature in August. It is concluded that the reduced tillage systems studied are sustainable in terms of productivity, relative to labour, machinery and energy inputs. Likely benefits of such systems include higher levels of organic matter and aggregate stability in surface soil horizons, but a disadvantage is the need for frequent herbicide use to control perennial weeds.


A survey of the loose smut frequencies in certified barley seed lots in Norway during 1997"2002 showed that the disease has become more prevalent and has occurred at higher infection frequencies in recent years. Laboratory analyses (embryo method) of barley seeds harvested in 2001 and 2002, including both certified and farm saved seed, showed a large number of infected seed lots with higher than expected infection frequencies. One lot of farm saved seed (cv. Otira) from 2002 had 32% seed infection. Unexpectedly high loose smut infection frequencies recorded in fields sown with carboxin treated barley seed suggest a reduced effectiveness of the fungicide. A seed treatment experiment was conducted in 2002 using both greenhouse and field trials with two infected seed lots (cv. Otira with 14.4% and cv. Fager with 6.9% infected seeds) to evaluate and compare the effect of Fungazil C (carboxin + imazalil) and Premis Robust (triticonazol + imazalil) against loose smut. Fungazil C at normal rates reduced loose smut frequencies by approximately 50% or less. At twice the normal rate, loose smut symptoms were reduced by 60-80%. Premis Robust showed more effective loose smut control, but did not confer complete control.