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Presentasjon av Nordnorsk kompetansenettverk for småskala mat med innlagt miniforedrag om merkevarer


To realize the full potential of agricultural biotechnology, concerns about the possible impact of GM plants on ecosystem properties and functions must be addressed. If transgenic crops substantially affect soil organic matter decomposition and mineralization, this could be of serious concern to many farmers in the developing world, as well as to organic farmers in the developed world. These farmers rely on local residues, organic matter and soil organisms for soil fertility, and there is a risk that this could be reduced if crop products cause a slowing down of the natural processes of decomposition and nutrient release by inhibiting the activity of the soil biota.


I artikkelen vert det diskutert startegiar for kontroll med utbreiinga av pærebrann i Vest-Noreg.


A method for quantitative determination of extractives from heartwood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detection (FID) was developed. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.03mg/g wood and the linear range (r=0.9994) was up to 10mg/g with accuracy within ±10% and precision of 18% relative standard deviation. The identification of the extractives was performed using gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The yields of extraction by Soxhlet were tested for solid wood, small particles and fine powder. Small particles were chosen for further analysis. This treatment gave good yields of the most important extractives: pinosylvin, pinosylvin monomethyl ether, resin acids and free fatty acids. The method is used to demonstrate the variation of these extractives across stems and differences in north–south direction.


Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research" is the owner of a network of meteorological stations, established in 1987. 45 of the stations are measuring global radiation, hourly values. These time series are to be used as one of the input parameters for modelling UV-radiation. Also several other meteorological parameters of relevance for modelling UV-radiation are measured in this station network and discussed below. A discussion on quality of these data contains general considerations on the concept of quality, considerations on the methods for making measurements at the specific series from a few sites as well as specific quality considerations on several other available time series of meteorological parameters, like the albedo, precipitation, relative humidity of the air, temperature of the air etc. from the sites. Elements describing the sites are mentioned, like information on the horizon, the geographical coordinates etc. The availability of independent time series of measurements of ozone, cloudiness, precipitation, content of aerosol and vertical distributions of humidity to be used in models are also discussed. Modelling UV-radiation at the ground is defined as a complex problem of data integration using data from different sources. The main part of this paper contains discussion complex data integration.


`Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research" is the owner of a network of meteorological stations, established in 1987. 45 of the stations are measuring global radiation, hourly values. These time series are to be used as one of the input parameters for modelling UV-radiation. Also several other meteorological parameters of relevance for modelling UV-radiation are measured in this station network and discussed below. A discussion on quality of these data contains general considerations on the concept of quality, considerations on the methods for making measurements at the specific series from a few sites as well as specific quality considerations on several other available time series of meteorological parameters, like the albedo, precipitation, relative humidity of the air, temperature of the air etc. from the sites. Elements describing the sites are mentioned, like information on the horizon, the geographical coordinates etc. The availability of independent time series of measurements of ozone, cloudiness, precipitation, content of aerosol and vertical distributions of humidity to be used in models are also discussed. Modelling UV-radiation at the ground is defined as a complex problem of data integration using data from different sources. The main part of this contribution contains discussion complex data integration.


Kartleggingsfamilien "BF 14/16 x HF2/7" i engsvingel ble karakterisert for følgende frøavlsegenskaper: Krav til primærinduksjon (uker ved 6°C og 8 timer daglengde), tidlighet (skytedato), andel av skudd som danne frøstengel etter 12 ukers primærinduksjon, og antall frøstengler hos ikke-induserte planter i såingsåret (feltforsøk).  "Quantitative trait loci" (QTLer) ble identifisert og sammenliknet med QTLer og gener som styrer blomsgterinduksjon i andre grasarter, herunder kornartene.  En region på kromosom 1F hadde betydning for tidlighet og andel skudd som dannet frøstengel.  Primærinduksjonskravet var styrt av gener på kromosom 4F, særlig i en proksimal region som korresponderer med tidlighetsgenet QTL eps6L.2 i bygg og tidlighet i flerårig raigras.  Et område korresponderende til venaliseringsgenet VRN1 ble også ble påvist på kromosom 4F.  Den proksimale enden av kromosom 5F hadde stor betydning  for tidlighet og andel skudd som dannet frøstengel, mens kromosom 6F var med å bestemme antall frøstengler i feltforsøket. En region på kromosom 7F hadde betydning for antall frøstengler hos ikke-induserte planter i såingsåret, og dette samsvarer med regioner i flerårig raigras, bygg og ris med samme gensekvens som i modellplanten A. thaliana CO.