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Exploitation of mycorrhizas to enhance phytoremediation of organic pollutants has received attention recently due to their positive effects on establishment of plants in polluted soils. Some evidence exist that ectomycorrhizas enhance the degradation of pollutants of low recalcitrance, while less easily degradable polyaromatic molecules have been degraded only by some of these fungi in vitro. Natural polyaromatic (humic) substances are degraded more slowly in soil where ectomycorrhizal fungi are present, thus phytoremediation of recalcitrant pollutants may not benefit from the presence of these fungi. Using a soil spiked with three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and an industrially polluted soil (1 g kg"1 of "12 PAHs), we show that the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus bovinus, forming hydrophobic mycelium in soil that would easily enter into contact with hydrophobic pollutants, impedes rather than promotes PAH degradation. This result is likely to be a nutrient depletion effect caused by fungal scavenging of mineral nutrients.


Dyrking av blandinger av sorter med ulik grad av sjukdomsresistens mot f.eks. mjøldogg og rust, er i mange undersøkelser vist å gi redusert angrep av disse sjukdommene. Det er tidligere ikke studert hvorhvidt sortsblandinger  kan påvirke forekomst av Fusarium i aks og korn. Høsta korn fra to sortblandingsforsøk i 2005 med tre byggsorter dyrket sammen i ulike to-sortskombinasjoner og i renbestand, ble undersøkt for angrep av Fusarium i høsta korn. Det ene feltet hadde svært høyt angrep av Fusarium, og ingen forskjeller kunne observeres mellom sorter eller mellom ulike sortsblandingskombinasjoner. I det andre feltet varierte angrepet mellom sorter og mellom sorter i renbestand og sortsblandinger. Infeksjon av Fusarium i en blanding av to sorter var redusert ned mot nivået i sorten som hadde lavest Fusariuminfeksjon i renbestand. Resultatene er foreløpige og undersøkelsen vil bli gjentatt med korn fra samme type forsøk i 2006.

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The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of manure on retention of selenium (Se) in soil. Addition of cattle manure in combination with selenite and selenate reduced the adsorption of both anions to a loam soil in a batch experiment. The results were explained by the content of low-molecular-weight organic acids in the manure which compete with Se for the sorption sites. In a pot experiment with loam and peat soils and with two pH levels within each soil, cattle slurry added together with selenate was found to increase the Se concentration in grain at the highest pH level (6.1 and 6.8 for the loam and peat, respectively). At a lower pH (5.4 and 6.0 for the loam and peat, respectively) there was no significant effect of slurry on Se concentration in grain. Application of slurry also increased the residual effect of Se applied to the loam soil in the preceding growing season. In the peat soil, no residual effect of Se was found either with or without the addition of slurry.


Early stage of grass maturity increased the total concentration of fatty acids (FA) and the concentration of alpha-linolenic acid in organic ley compared to normal stage. Organic ley with red clover resulted in higher concentration of alpha-linolenic acid than white clover. Unexpectedly, increased portions of clover in the ley resulted in lower total concentration of FA. Early harvested ley with red clover may result in forage with high concentrations of alpha-linolenic acid and thus provide a good basis for milk production with a healthy composition of milk fat with a low omega-6/omega-3 FA ratio.


The effect of clover species and level of concentrate supplementation on milk fatty acid (FA) composition has been studied. White (WC) and red clover (RC) grown in mixture with grasses were preserved in round bales and fed to autumn calving dairy cows during the first 10 weeks of lactation. Milk FA was higher in linolenic acid, vaccenic acid and rumenic acid for RC than for WC silage (0.90 vs. 0.79 %, 1.52 vs. 1.36 %, 0.90 vs. 0.75 % for these 3 FA, respectively), and RC silage gave a higher n-3/n-6 milk FA ratio than WC (0.98 vs. 0.72). Concentrate supplementation decreased the level of vaccenic acid (1.21 vs. 1.68 %), linolenic acid (0.63 vs. 1.05 %) and the n-3/n-6 ratio (0.55 vs. 1.16) as compared with no supplementation, and the effect of supplementation was similar for the two silages


The effect of clover species and level of concentrate supplementation on milk fatty acid (FA) composition has been studied. White (WC) and red clover (RC) grown in mixture with grasses were preserved in round bales and fed to autumn calving dairy cows during the first 10 weeks of lactation. Milk FA was higher in linolenic acid, vaccenic acid and rumenic acid for RC than for WC silage (0.90 vs. 0.79 %, 1.52 vs. 1.36 %, 0.90 vs. 0.75 % for these 3 FA, respectively), and RC silage gave a higher n-3/n-6 milk FA ratio than WC (0.98 vs. 0.72). Concentrate supplementation decreased the level of vaccenic acid (1.21 vs. 1.68 %), linolenic acid (0.63 vs. 1.05 %) and the n-3/n-6 ratio (0.55 vs. 1.16) as compared with no supplementation, and the effect of supplementation was similar for the two silages


The semi-natural salt marshes in Norway have probably been used as pastures for cattle, horses and sheep, as long as there have been domestic animals in Norway. Due to regular flooding, the salt marshes are nutrient rich and high production is maintained without fertilizing. Today, the biodiversity of the salt marshes is threatened due to land drainage, cultivation, development, and pollution, or due to cessation of grazing and overgrowth. The results of this study clearly show that the semi-natural vegetation types found in 1974 and in 1985, and the wading bird population found in 1975/1976, are drastically reduced due to cessation of grazing. To re-establish and maintain some of the salt marshes and the biodiversity, restoration and management is necessary.


Formålet med forsøkene var å finne frem til egnet vekstsubstrat for hageblåbær ved karplanteproduksjon i veksthus. I det første forsøket ble ulike blandinger med torv (60 %), furubark (10 eller 35 %) og perlite (0 eller 25 %) + sand (5%) sammenlignet. Balndinger med 35 % furubark gav best rotutvikling, ellers var det ikke signifikant forskjeller. I neste forsøk ble en blanding med 35 % furubark sammenlignet med et kommersielt vekstmedium (Klasmann Container Fibre Substrate plus 20 % wood fibre). Det ble ikke funnet noen signifikante forskjeller. Både Bluecrop og Nui ser ut til å være egnet for karplanteproduksjon i veksthus. Bluecrop gav til sammen 3, 26 kg/m2 avling på tre år.


In the Nordic countries several composting plants for source separated organic household waste (SSOW) have experiences problems with establishment of high-rate respiration processes. The problems with start-up of the high-rate composting phase can be related to sensitivity of the thermophilic microflora to low pH in the composting material. Low pH is caused by high content of organic acids produced by fermenting microorganisms in the waste. In our studies we investigated the effect of different ratio of SSOW mixed with bulking agent in the development of short organic acid content and the shift from a fermentative to aerobic bacteria population during composting.