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Dissolved aluminium was fractionated in the field and the laboratory using a cation exchange method. Although absolute differences between results obtained from field and laboratory fractionations were generally small, relative differences, expressed as the ratio between labile aluminium determined after laboratory fractionation (Alll) and that obtained after field fractionation (Allf), could be large. The differences found were not statistically significant, although this may simply reflect the spread in the results. Alll/Allf had no apparent relationship with the temperature difference between the field and the lab. Although some significant correlations were found between Alll/Allf and H+, no significant correlations were found with the equivalent relative difference in {H+} between the lab and the field. Neither was any significant correlation found with dissolved organic carbon.


Alunskifer kan gi sterkt sur avrenning med høye konsentrasjoner av miljøproblematiske metaller. Vegbygging gjennom områder med alunskifer kan gi store miljømessige utfordringer knyttet til avrenning fra steindeponier, vegfyllinger og fjellskjæringer. Vegprosjekter gjennom områder med alunskifer i veglinja må klarlegge miljømessige utfordringer knyttet til potensiell vannforurensning og aktuelle tiltak før oppstart av veganlegget


Ammekyr er positivt for kulturlandskapet. Effektene dyrene har på landskapet kan  synliggjøres og gi grunnlag for merpris til produsent


The paper presents a new modified flashiness index which is based on hourly discharge measurements. This new index has been calculated for small agricultural catchments in Estonia and Norway respectively. A comparison has been carried out with results obtained from the Richards-Baker flashiness index, which is based on average daily discharge values. It is believed that an index based on hourly values and its comparison with the traditional index can reveal information about flow processes in the catchment. Such a comparison revealed large differences between the two index values for the Norwegian catchments, indicating large variations in discharge values over short periods or a "flashy" nature of runoff. These differences were not found for the Estonian catchments. At the same time large differences were found between the Norwegian and Estonian catchments. It is believed that the flashiness index and especially the comparison of the two different indexes, can be seen as an important tool in designing monitoring systems. In future work additional catchments will be included, both representing different sizes, land use and climate. The final goal is to be able to design a flashiness index on the basis of catchment characteristics such as land use, size, geo-hydrological settings and climatic conditions.


The presence of Steinernema carpocapsae is reported for the first time in a Nordic country. Entomopathogenic nematodes were isolated from soil in apple orchards in Western Norway. Nematodes in the genus Steinernema were present in 11.9% of the samples including a population of S. carpocapsae. According to our knowledge the presence of S. carpocapsae is rare in northern Europe, and a report several years ago of this species from northern Sweden appears to have been S. feltiae not S. carpocapsae. This paper also presents an overview of entomopathogenic nematodes in the Nordic countries where the following species are reported: S. affine; S. bicornotum; S. carpocapsae; S. feltiae; S. intermedium; S. kraussei; S. silvaticum; `Steinernema sp. C1", `Steinernema sp. E"; Heterorhabditis downesii and H. megidis. The occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes in the Nordic countries is based on area-wide surveys for some of the countries.