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Med dagens fytosanitære regelverk og praksis for bekjemping av pærebrann i Noreg er det låg sannsynlegheit for introduksjon av pærebrann til fruktdistrikt og planteskular. Lemping på noverande regelverk og praksis vil føre til moderat risiko for introduksjon


Med dagens fytosanitære regelverk og praksis for bekjemping av pærebrann i Noreg er det låg sannsynlegheit for introduksjon av pærebrann til fruktdistrikt og planteskular. Lemping på noverande regelverk og praksis vil føre til moderat risiko for introduksjon


Pærebrann er en alvorlig sjukdom på eple, pære og prydplanter i rosefamilien. De siste femti år har sjukdommen vært under spredning i Europa. Bakterien som forårsaker pærebrann er en fremmed art under spredning i Norge.


Furfurylated wood is an environmentally friendly, chemically treated, wood product with improved characteristics. Quality control of furfurylated wood is still performed manually by subtracting the initial weight of a treated sample from its final weight, then dividing the result by the initial weight. Expressed as a percentage, this results in a value that represents the weight percent gain (WPG) of the treated sample and thus the degree of modification. The major disadvantage of this quality control method is that the production parameters are needed to determine WPG, since the initial weight cannot be deduced from a treated wood sample. In this paper the use of ThermoGravimetric Analysis (TGA) is presented as a potential quality control method for furfurylated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The technique is independent of production parameters and, therefore, enables third parties to determine the WPG of any furfurylated wood product. Three validation trials have been performed with the same validation samples, but varying TGA settings and with different Partial Least Square regression models (PLS-models). Although the method needs further improvement, it has shown good accuracy and precision. Therefore, it is con


Perpetual-flowering strawberry cultivars are commonly classified as photoperiodically day-neutral, even though early investigations demonstrated long-day (LD) regulation. An important reason for this inconsistency is that these freely flowering plants are difficult to establish in a true vegetative state, and experiments have therefore, often been started using runner plants with pre-formed inflorescences. In order to circumvent this problem, we have used the perpetual-flowering F1-hybrid `Elan" that is propagated by seed, and is thus not pre-conditioned by its earlier life history. The results demonstrated a marked quantitative LD response across a range of temperatures from 9º - 27ºC. Seedlings were responsive to the LD stimulus at an early stage, and early flowering required LD exposure almost from germination. The critical daylength for the early flowering response was about 15 h at 18ºC. Because of this threshold LD response, it is concluded that regulation of flowering is truly photoperiodic in nature, and not merely an effect of additional light. Flower development was also slightly advanced by LD conditions. Stolon formation was strongly enhanced by short day conditions in combination with high temperature. Thus, not only flowering, but also runnering, was oppositely affected by photoperiod in `Elan" compared with mono-flowering cultivars. The results are discussed in relation to the photoperiodic classification of strawberries.


Perpetual-flowering strawberry cultivars are commonly classified as photoperiodically day-neutral, even though early investigations demonstrated long-day (LD) regulation. An important reason for this inconsistency is that these freely flowering plants are difficult to establish in a true vegetative state, and experiments have therefore often been started using runner plants with pre-formed inflorescences. In order to circumvent this problem, we have used the perpetual-flowering F-1-hybrid 'Elan' that. is propagated by seed, and is thus not pre-conditioned by its earlier life history. The results demonstrated a marked quantitative LD response across a range of temperatures from 9 degrees - 27 degrees C. Seedlings were responsive to the LD stimulus at an early stage, and early flowering required LD exposure almost from germination. The critical daylength for the early flowering response was about 15 h at 18 degrees C. Because of this threshold LD response, it is concluded that regulation of flowering is truly photoperiodic in nature, and not merely an effect of additional light. Flower development was also slightly advanced by LD conditions. Stolon formation was strongly enhanced by short-day conditions in combination with high temperature. Thus, not only flowering, but also runnering, was oppositely affected by photoperiod in 'Elan' compared with mono-flowering cultivars. The results are discussed in relation to the photoperiodic classification of strawberries.


Ein forsøksserie vart starta i 2005 for å sjå på avlings-, fôrkvalitets- og overvintringspotensialet ved slått og beiteregime til nokre aktuelle utanlandske raisvingelsortar og ein norsk kandidatsort, samanlikna med viktige marknadssortar av fleirårig raigras. I ein forsøksserie som vart starta i 2003, vart to raisvingelsortar samanlikna med ei vanleg nytta frøblanding (timotei, engsvingel og kløver) med 10% fleirårig raigras. I tillegg til reine sortar og frøblanding, vart raigras og engsvingel i frøblandinga erstatta med dei to raisvingelsortane for å sjå korleis sortane klarte seg i ei blanding.

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Ulike naturlige forutsetninger, tilgang på arbeidskraft og politiske rammebetingelser har bidratt til at Chile har en kostnads- og markedsmessig fordel, Norge et stort vekstpotensial og ledende teknologimiljø, og Skottland visse markedsprivilegier, men begrenset vekstpotensial. Den overveiende delen av disse forskjellene i akvakulturens konkurranseevne skyldes naturgitte og alminnelige markedsforhold. Det er likevel betydelige forskjeller i sektorpolitikken. Norsk fiskerisektor inklusive havbruk står utenfor det integrerte europeiske markedsområdet i EU og norsk politikk prioriterer regional fordeling og nasjonale strukturelle mål. Chile og Storbritannia satser på internasjonal markedsintegrasjon med lite rom for fordelingshensyn i sektorpolitikken. Norsk akvakulturpolitikk er rik på mål og virkemidler som må sees i sammenheng. Det er betydelig gjensidig avhengighet mellom ulike deler av politikken. En særnorsk markedspolitikk og regionalpolitiske prioriteringer står sentralt og medfører at norsk akvakulturpolitikk er relativt komplisert og dermed sannsynligvis noe mindre forutsigbar enn politikken i konkurrentlandene.