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In the recent years several reports have been made on how to increase the utilization of bioenergy potential in Norway. The farmers union (Norges Bondelag) focus on improved use of wastes and less on agroenergy crops. A group of research institutes and organisations have written a report called "From Biomass to Biofuels " A Roadmap for Future Solutions in Norway". But till now the research on bioenergy crops in Norway has been limited. Perennial grasses display many beneficial attributes as agroenergy crops, i.e. high yield potentials, high contents of lignin and cellulose, and positive environmental impacts, including reduced soil tillage that lowers soil erosion and increases soil carbon content, preserves biodiversity, and manages cultural landscapes. A field trial with reed canary grass is carried out in Central Norway. Reed canary grass harvested in spring in produced high DM yields, but the content of water in the harvested biomass was higher than desired.


Betre lystilhøve i frukttrea aukar veksten hjå tre og frukter, og fruktkvalitetsfaktorar som farge og oppløyst turrstoff vert betre. Sjølv om daglengda under norske veksttilhøve er lang, er den samla lystilgangen mindre enn på sørlegare breiddegrader pga den korte vekstsesongen. Metodar som aukar ljostilgangen, t.d. lysreflekterande duk under trea, vil vera gunstig for norsk fruktdyrking. Ein har prøvd ein voven plast duk (Extenday (R)) i frukthagar på Vestlandet. Der radavstanden var 4 m, har ein strekt ut 3m brei duk på bakken langs køyregangane og festa med gummiband til trea på kvar side. Der radavstanden var 5 m, nytta ein 4m brei duk. Duken låg ute frå midten av juni til etter hausting. Det var ingen temepratureffekt av duken. Men det var 5 gonger så mykje lys i trekruna hjå tre som sto i felt med reflekterande duk i høve til kontroll tre. I køyregangen var det 3 gonger så mykje lys over duk som i køyregangar med gras. I Aroma var eple frå tre frå felt med duk større, søtare og med meir raud dekkfarge enn frå kontroll trea. Det var særleg stor skilnad frå eple på dei nedte greinene. Med omsyn til fastleik og syreinnhald var det ikkje sikre skilnader. Men Streif-indeks viste at refleksduken framskunda mogninga.


I eit felt med "Excalibur" og "Prinlew" plommer vart køyregangen dekka med kvit reflekterande duk for å betra ljostilhøva i trekruna. Duken låg i hagen frå 2 veker etter bløming til etter at plommene var hausta i midten av september. Der det ikkje var nytta reflekterande duk var fruktene nede på treet grønare, hadde mindre dekkfarge og lågare innhald av oppløyst turrstoff enn fruktene oppe i trekrunene. Fruktene frå tre som hadde stått over reflekterande duk var like godt farga og hadde same syrinnhald og fastleik om dei var hausta oppe eller nede på trea. Men det var også for desse trea høgare innhald av oppløyst turrstoff i fruktene oppe i trea i høve til dei som hadde vakse nedst i trea. Reflekterande duk gav jamnare mogning hjå plommene oppe og nede i trea. Dermed kan ein klara seg med færre haustingar. Temperaturen var ikkje heva der ein nytta duk, og duken svekka grasveksten i køyregangane.


I Norge har vi hatt overvåking av skogens helsetilstand på permanente felt i over 20 år. En del av disse registreringene kan være av verdi også for en overvåking av skogskader relatert til klimaeendringer, og en videreføring har fordelen av at lange tidsserier sikres og videreføres. Forbedringer og kostnadsreduskjoner sammenliknet med dagens overvåking kan oppnås ved at noen registreringer erstattes av nye metoder som fjernmåling og automatiserte målinger, og noen registreringer kan slås sammen med andre aktiviteter.


To stabilize organic cereal production systems it is necessary to control Canadian thistle (Cirsium arvense) and other perennial weed species. The aim of the two presented experiments (I and II) has been to evaluate the effects of mechanical treatment in spring combined with competition from a one season cover crop. In both experiments we used the same mixture of cover crops; phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). The first experiment (I) was arranged in a complete factorial split-plot design. In this experiment different root burial depths and root lengths of C. arvense simulated different mechanical treatments. Use of cover crop was the single factor that most effectively reduced the gain of biomass of C. arvense. At the final harvest combined treatment of deep root burial (15 cm), short root length (5 cm) and cover crop reduced number of new shoots of C. arvense by 95% and root biomass by 97% compared to shallow burial and no cover crop. At minimum regenerative capacity of C. arvense the number of leaves were 2 to 6 for the treatment with cover crop and 4 to 8 for the treatment without cover crop. In the second experiment (II), which had a complete factorial design, ± ploughing in autumn was combined with different fallow strategies in spring before sowing the cover crop. The disc harrowing during the fallow period was performed either 2x when fallow lasted for 3 weeks, or 4x when fallow lasted for 6 weeks. Additionally, all combinations of ± ploughing in autumn and length of the fallow period were combined with ± ploughing before sowing the cover crop (all together 8 treatments). In two additional subplots shallow ploughing preceded the autumn ploughing treatment (± ploughing). Preliminary results from experiment II confirms in general the conclusions from experiment I. Combining soil tillage and competition from a fast growing cover crop have potential for retarding perennial weeds. The classical approach for controlling couch grass (Elymus repens) was confirmed in this experiment, the longer soil tillage period the better weed control, and the soil tillage period should be proceeded by a deep ploughing. Ploughing in the autumn gave no additional effect on couch grass. Best control of Canadian thistle was obtained when only shallow ploughing was performed in the autumn, followed by a 6 week soil tillage period (3 weeks was not tested here) in spring and early summer and completed by ploughing before sowing the green manure cover crop. In conclusion, the experiments showed that intensive soil tillage combined with competition from a cover crop gave promising results for weed control. Due to the positive effect of moderate tillage operations attention to factors as nutrient supply, soil structure and energy use may still be ensured while a satisfying weed control is obtained.


The main aim of the research was to evaluate the success of the long-term recovery of heavy-metal polluted forest ecosystems through the establishment of a functioning organic layer, and through revegetation using seedlings of native trees and shrubs.


The main aim of this study was to determine how the application of a mulch cover (a mixture of household biocompost and woodchips) onto heavy metal"polluted forest soil affects (i) long-term survival and growth of planted dwarf shrubs and tree seedlings and (ii) natural revegetation. Native woody plants (Pinus sylvestris, Betula pubescens, Empetrum nigrum, and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) were planted in mulch pockets on mulch-covered and uncovered plots in summer 1996 in a highly polluted Scots pine stand in southwest Finland. Spreading a mulch layer on the soil surface was essential for the recolonization of natural vegetation and increased dwarf shrub survival, partly through protection against drought. Despite initial mortality, transplant establishment was relatively successful during the following 10 yr. Tree species had higher survival rates, but the dwarf shrubs covered a larger area of the soil surface during the experiment. Especially E. nigrum and P. sylvestris proved to be suitable for revegetating heavy metal" polluted and degraded forests. Natural recolonization of pioneer species (e.g., Epilobium angustifolium, Taraxacum coll., and grasses) and tree seedlings (P. sylvestris, Betula sp., and Salix sp.) was strongly enhanced on the mulched plots, whereas there was no natural vegetation on the untreated plots. These results indicate that a heavy metal" polluted site can be ecologically remediated without having to remove the soil. Household compost and woodchips are low-cost mulching materials that are suitable for restoring heavy metal"polluted soil.