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Genetic variation and pathogenicity of Phytophthora infestans isolates collected from organic potato crops of the susceptible cv. Bintje and the moderately resistant cv. Santé were assesed in France, Norway, and the United Kingdom in 2001 and in Switzerland in 2001 and 2002. Population structures differed considerably between the four P. infestans populations. Those from France, Switzerland and the UK were mainly clonal populations showing restricted levels of genetic diversity, whilst those from Norway were mixed A1 and A2 mating type populations with high levels of genetic diversity, suggesting periodical sexual reproduction. Isolates collected from cv. Bintje were on average more aggressive than or comparable to isolates from cv. Santé. Race complexity varied considerably between the regional P. infestans populations with isolates from France and Switzerland showing the highest number of virulence factors. In all pathogen samples but the French, isolates collected from cv. Santé were more complex than isolates collected from cv. Bintje. No directional selection towards increased aggressiveness towards the more resistant cultivar Santé was observed. This suggests that there is no shift towards increased level of pathogenicity in P. infestans populations following the large-scale introduction of more resistant potato varieties in organic production systems in Europe.


Studies of genetic variation of the late blight pathogen among isolates collected in 2003  in the Nordic countries were presented


Phytophthora infestans was isolated from potato leaves collected from 200 fields located in different parts of Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway in 2003. Sampling was carried out relatively late in the epidemic. The SSR analysis was carried out in Norway. Nine SSR markers were tested; Pi4B, Pi4G, PiG11, Pi02, Pi04, Pi16, Pi26, Pi33 and D13. Based on only 7 SSR markers 190 genotypes were found. Six genotypes occurred twice and one genotype occurred six times. The high genetic variation indicates sexual reproduction in the Nordic late blight population


Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotzsch), is a contemporary symbol of Christmas in most parts of the world. Today, Europe and North America represent the largest volume of production and sales, but demand is growing quickly in the other regions as poinsettia becomes more popular each year. In Norway, poinsettia is one of the most important pot plants, with a yearly production close to 6 million plants. Its ornamental value and innovation potential have laid the foundation for extensive research in Norway and elsewhere. Two viruses i.e. poinsettia mosaic virus (PnMV) and poinsettia cryptic virus (PnCV) can cause diseases in modern poinsettia cultivars. PnMV gives visible symptoms in poinsettia during parts of the growing season. Growers show great interest in the potential benefits of growing PnMV-free poinsettias. Traditionally, PnMV-free poinsettia plants were obtained by in vitro culture of apical meristems. However, this is a time-consuming method and the regenerated new PnMV-free poinsettia has sometimes lost the branching characteristic which is important for poinsettia. We have therefore developed an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation approach for poinsettia. Using this method, we have produced transgenic poinsettia with improved resistance against PnMV by expressing three hairpin (hp) RNA gene constructs which targeted various regions of the virus genome. Molecular analyses have confirmed the stable integration of transgenes into the poinsettia genome. This is the first report describing Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of poinsettia. The PnMV resistant transgenic poinsettia lines produced are of commercial potential. The methodology developed could also facilitate the further improvement of this ornamental plant with the aims of enhancing its disease resistance, quality traits, desirable colour and ornamental value. We have also transformed N. benthemiana to reveal the relationship of different vector constructs and the RNA silencing mediated PnMV resistance. This result will imrpove our understanding of RNA silencing mediated resistance through genetic engineering.


En rekke ulike plantearter er de senere årene blitt genetisk transformert. Overføring av nye gener eller endring av plantens egne gener, har resultert i planter med nye og forbedrede egenskaper. For planteforskningen har utvikling av genmodifiserte (GM) planter stor betydning, men skepsisen mot bruk av slike planter i landbruket er stor. Ny teknologi åpner for nye muligheter.


En rekke ulike plantearter er de senere årene blitt genetisk transformert. Overføring av nye gener eller endring av plantens egne gener, har resultert i planter med nye og forbedrede egenskaper. For planteforskningen har utvikling av genmodifiserte (GM) planter stor betydning, men skepsisen mot bruk av slike planter i landbruket er stor. Ny teknologi åpner for nye muligheter.