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Denne artikkerlen gir først en oversikt over hvordan ulike grader av tørke virker inn på grasplantenes fotosyntese, skudd og rotvekst.  Deretter diskuteres vannlagringseven i greener med ulik sammensetning av vekstmediet, og de tre vanningsstategiene "Tørkebasert vanning", "Metningsvatning" og "Underskuddsvanning" defineres. Til skutt gis konkrete råd for vanning på greener.


Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is an important source of nitrogen input in many natural ecosystems. The rice production today depends on large amounts of chemical nitrogen fertilizer, which is an environmental hazard in rice producing areas. Better exploitation of BNF is one way to reduce the use of chemical nitrogen fertilizer in the future. In this study the active diazotrophic community was investigated in nitrogen fertilized and un-fertilized rice field soils in Fujian Province, southeast China by PCR - DGGE of nifH mRNA, and the potential community by PCR - DGGE of the nifH gene. A total of 45 sequences representing 33 different sequence types were recovered from the DGGE gels. The retrieved cDNA sequences representing the active population of diazotrophs both in fertilized and un-fertilized soils dispersed throughout the nifH clades (alpha-, beta- and gamma Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Archaea). Thirteen of the sequence types were most closely related to Azoarcus endophytes indicating widespread associations between heterotrophic nitrogen fixing bacteria and rice (Oryza sativa). The majority of the 13 sequence types were identified from the cDNA samples, showing that the Azoarcus might be an important active nitrogen fixing diazotroph in the paddy field. None of the sequence types were closly related to cyanobacteria, nevertheless previous studies from the same area had documented the prescence of cyanobacteira in rice fields. The lack of identified cyanobacteria might be due to template discrimination in the PCR reactions, or low abundance of cyanobacteria compared to heterotrophic nitrogen fixing bacteria.


The variations on the ratio of filling (RoF) were investigated on Norwegian grown Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). The samples were taken from 10 different stands in south-east Norway, and treated with furfuryl alcohol and a copper-containing wood preservative. Both within tree variations, between tree variations and variations between stands were investigated for significant differences. Factors like horizontal and vertical positioning of the stem, annual ring width, density, tree height, tree age and latitude were tested. Samples of 20 x 20 x 60 mm were impregnated with a mild treatment scheme to avoid full penetration, which made it possible to distinguish the RoF. A significant variation was found between copper impregnated a furfuryl treated samples, favouring the copper impregnated samples. Within tree variations show a positive significance of the first log compared to the other logs, and a higher RoF in younger sapwood. The latitude of the stand gave a strong correlation, favouring southern stands.


Med utgangspunkt i de meteorologiske målingene på værstasjonen til Bioforsk Øst Landvik i Grimstad gir artikkelen en oversikt over været i 2007: Med en årsmiddeltemperatur på 8,0 °C, d.v.s. 1,1 °C over normalen på 6,9 °C, ble 2007 det femte varmeste året siden målingene starta i 1957. Nedbørsmessig ble 2007 et relativt normalt år. Total nedbørsmengde var på 1230 mm, dvs. om lag 20 prosent mer enn årsnormalen på 1230 mm.