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Konklusjon Select + Renol olje virker bedre enn Hussar OD mot stor tunrapp og engrapp i gjenlegg til sauesvingel. Mot frøplanter av sauesvingel er imidlertid Select minst like tøft som Hussar OD, og preparatet skal derfor ikke brukes før sauesvingelen er godt etablert. Siden Select ikke virker mot tofrøblada ugras, bør en sprøyte mot slike ugras først, og deretter med Select når sauesvingelen har 3-4 blad og er minst 5 cm høy, vanligvis om lag to måneder etter såing. Ytterligere venting med Selectsprøytinga til sauesvingelen har avslutta veksten seinhøstes gir dårligere effekt og større fare for skade. Select må ikke brukes i engåret, og en bør heller ikke sprøyte mer enn en gang i gjenleggsåret. Totalt sett er Select mest aktuelt dersom en har mista kontrollen med tunrappen i gjenlegget. Sammenlikna med gammel Hussar-formulering er Hussar OD litt skarpere mot sauesvingel. Ved sprøyting med den nye formuleringa, både i gjenleggsåret og i engåret, bør derfor dosen begrenses til 10 ml/daa, og tilsetting av Renol olje bør unngås.


Tre års forsøk har vist inkonsistente resultater for sprøyting med Moddus i frøeng ev kvitkløver. I sum for forsøka kan vekstregulering ikke anbefales. Forsøka har bekreftet at frøeng av kvitkløver bør insektsprøytes. Pr. dato er bare pyretroider, for eksempel Fastac i dosen 40 ml/daa, tillatt til denne sprøytinga. Optimal sprøytetid er like før begynnende blomstring.


I middel for to forsøk i frøeng av sauesvingel ble det i 2007 oppnådd 16 % meravling ved sprøyting med en tankblanding av vekstreguleringsmidlet CCC 750 (267 ml/daa) og soppmidlet Amistar Duo (100 ml/daa) ved begynnende strekningsvekst eller litt seinere. Vi trenger resultater fra minst ett år til før vi kan tilrå off-label godkjenning av noen av disse preparatene i sauesvingel.


Life on earth depends on water and where running water occurs on earth, there is life. Nevertheless, existing modelling approaches in hydrology almost completely neglect the biological aspects of water flow. We claim that ignoring biological behaviour and interaction in catchment runoff modelling is too restrictive, and that computational theories can be used to formalise behaviour and interaction and model the biological impact on runoff. To demonstrate this, starting with a general classification of catchment behaviour, as documented in runoff data, we will use symbolic dynamics to quantify randomness and complexity in the time series. This approach shows that runoff records from very different catchments show common behaviour. This behaviour can be fitted to a one-parametric curve, stratified into three regions. In this manner, it becomes possible to represent and classify types of interactive behaviour that cannot be generated algorithmically. This suggests that physically based catchment models do not properly represent all types of interactive behaviour, and that signatures of biological interaction are present in runoff data.


Over the last decades the forestry sciences have been opened for new topics and methods. In addition to traditional forestry topics they have participated in environmental and ecosystem research. So far this type of research has been perceived as “applied”. From the modelling perspective there has been a misunderstanding among the participating disciplines of the character of knowledge being applied. Here we introduce two types of models of forest utilization and discuss their possibilities and limits for forestry sciences. The first perspective of forests is the one dominating in modelling today and in forestry sciences. It has been adopted from physics. The second perspective of forests has implicitly been adopted in the past for pragmatic reasons.


Many time series analysis methods depend on equally spaced observations with no data point missing. If this condition is met, powerful techniques are available that identify temporal structures such as trends or periodic phenomena or nonlinear dynamics. Unfortunately, most of observations of natural systems, in particular over longer periods of time such as decades, are prone to sampling errors leading to missing points in the observations. Singular System Analysis (SSA) is a powerful tool to extract the dynamics contained in time series at arbitrary temporal scales...


Twenty-one species of green algae isolated from marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments were screened for the ability to produce H2 under anaerobic conditions. Seven strains found positive for H2 production under anaerobic conditions were also screened for the ability to produce H2 under sulfur (S) deprivation. In addition to the traditional model species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, C. noctigama (freshwater) and C. euryale (brackish water) were able to produce significant amounts of H2 under S-deprivation. These species were also able to utilize acetate as a substrate for growth in light. The S-deprivation experiments were performed under photoheterotrophic conditions in a purpose-specific designed bioreactor, and it was shown that an automated pH adjustment feature was essential to maintain a stable pH in the cultures. Several materials commonly used in bioreactors, such as rubber materials, plastics and steel alloys, had a negative effect on the survival of S-deprived algae cultures. Unexpectedly, traces of H2 were produced under S-deprivation during O2 saturation in the cultures, possibly derived from local anaerobic environments formed in algal biofilms on the membranes covering the O2 electrodes.