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Key words: apiculture, biological control, Norwegian Environment Agency, Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment, predatory mites, risk assessment, varroa Introduction The Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA) have asked the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment for an assessment of adverse impacts on biodiversity concerning import and release of the predatory mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus as measure against varroa mites (Varroa destructor) in apiaries. The predatory mite is already in use in Norwegian greenhouses and polytunnels as a biological control agent against dark-winged fungus gnats in a various of plant cultures. The NEA has received an application for a new type of use: to combat varroa mites in apiaries. Background Varroa destructor (the varroa mite) is a species of parasitic mite that feeds externally on honeybees; it is considered one of the major threats to beekeeping world-wide due to its parasitic behaviour and because it acts as a vector for several viral and bacterial bee pathogens. Beekeepers in North America have begun experimenting with introducing Stratiolaelaps scimitus, a commercially available predaceous mite originally used for biocontrol in greenhouses and polytunnels, to control varroa mites, and several studies on the use of the mite in this context have been published recently. The Norwegian Environment Agency has asked VKM to assess the risk to biological diversity in Norway associated with this new use of S. scimitus, and to assess the effects of climate change on any risks that are proposed. Stratiolaelaps scimitus is a tiny (0.5 mm), soil-dwelling predaceous mite that in nature feeds on a wide variety of soil invertebrates, including fly larvae, nematodes, nymphs of thrips, potworms (oligochaetes), springtails, and other mites. For over three decades, Stratiolaelaps scimitus has been produced commercially and the species is now used globally for biological control. The mite is applied to control a wide variety of organisms harmful to food production or to the production of ornamental plants, but especially to combat infestations of fungus gnat larvae, spider mites, flower thrips, and certain plant-feeding nematodes. The species is already used as a biocontrol agent in Norway in greenhouses, open plastic polytunnels used for protecting crops, and in various indoor plantings and fungiculture. Methods VKM established a project group with expertise in entomology, invasion ecology, honeybee behaviour and ecology, and risk analysis of biological control agents. The group conducted systematic literature searches and scrutinized the relevant literature that was found. In the absence of Norwegian studies, VKM relied on literature from other countries. Results and conclusions This VKM assessment concludes with medium confidence that introducing S. scimitus for use in beehives would not significantly increase the probability of establishment and spread of S. scimitus above that of its current use. We point out that there is no evidence that continuous use of S. scimitus in Norway, over decades, has led to its establishment outside of enclosures, including open polytunnels. The optimal temperature for development and reproduction is far higher than what is normally observed in Norway (~28 °C). Although lethal temperature has been reported to be as low as –5.2 °C, we still conclude that S. scimitus would not be able to establish permanent populations in Norway, not even in the southern part of the country as such temperatures are expected to occur in some years throughout the country. Future climate change is not believed to alter this conclusion, since periods with lethally cold temperatures are expected to still occur in the future.

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Metangassutslipp fra sau, storfe og geit utgjør rundt fire prosent av det totale norske klimagassutslippet. Mange av beregningene som utgjør grunnlaget for dette tallet, er imidlertid basert på utenlandske data, og det er flere forhold som ikke er tatt hensyn til.


Denne rapporten er et bidrag til kunnskapsgrunnlaget for å konkretisere hva bærekraftig matproduksjon betyr i norsk ammeku-produksjon. Utgangspunktet for arbeidet er en helhetlig tilnærming, der alle dimensjoner av bærekraft inkluderes ved bruk av SAFA rammeverket. Gjennom en prosess med bred medvirkning har vi sett på status for norsk ammeku-produksjon i dag. Deretter har vi gjennomført ti SMART bærekraftsanalyser på gårder med ammeku-produksjon, og diskutert resultatene av disse i to workshoper. I andre workshop gikk vi dypere inn i hvert tema i SAFA/SMART og diskuterte beste-praksis for ammeku-produksjon. I rapporten diskuterer vi SMART som mulig verktøy for vurdering og dokumentasjon av alle dimensjoner av bærekraft. Konklusjonene er at alle temaene i SMART/SAFA er relevante for norske forhold, at SMART er godt egnet til å skape bevissthet om bærekraft på egen gård, men at SMART med fordel bedre kan tilpasses norsk begrepsbruk og knyttes til eksisterende verktøy. Selv om resultatene fra SMART analysene fra de ti gårdene er gode, er det et for lite utvalg til å konkludere på bærekraft i en hel produksjonsform. I tillegg er bærekraft en prosess, og en bør være varsom med å konkludere med et nivå på hvor bærekraftig produksjonen er. Hovedkonklusjonen er at alltid å ha med helheten, er avgjørende for å kunne ta reelt bærekraftige beslutninger.