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Antallet aktive bruk i Nord-Norge synker, men størstedelen av jorda holdes i hevd ved at drifta overtas av andre bruk. Men hvilke faktorer er det som avgjør om et areal drives videre eller går helt ut av produksjon?


The use of rented land has increased steadily over time in Northern Norway. At the same time there is a common perception that there is an increased regrowth of agricultural land. In this paper we investigate if the use of rented land also is a factor that leads to increased re-growth. We utilize land use data from the 3Q project in Northern Norway. These data are combined with data from the applications for acreage support to divide areas on tree types of properties. The area of abandoned land is explained as a function of property types. Our results show that there is a significant difference between owner used and rented land with respect to the amount of abandoned land on the property. This suggests that when previous farmers have rented out their land, one third of the previously farmed land may have been taken out of productions, and is now identified as abandoned land.


Essay om hvordan bøndene opp gjennom historien har ryddet landskapet, slik at dagens turister kan nyte utsikten på sine reiser.


Extensive landscape and vegetation changes are apparent within southern Norway, specifically the expansion of forests into new areas and to higher altitudes. Two main processes are believed to cause these changes: regrowth after abandoned human utilisation and recent climate changes. The purpose of this article is to elucidate ways of separating the effects of these two processes on spatiotemporal changes in the upper forest limits using examples from southern Norway. Examples from two spatial scales are implemented, a vegetation map study of a mountain region in south-east Norway and a national map-based study of south Norway. The findings show that multiple methods are necessary to understand the forest limit changes and that the research focus should be on the separation of potential drivers, specifically climate improvements and land-use changes.