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In this paper we first discuss the consumption behaviour of Norwegian farm households. Then, possible consumption models are outlined and our data sample is described. In the next section we discuss the use of panel data methods to estimate our consumption function. Finally, the results from estimating a consumption function with the DPD computer program are discussed. The preliminary results indicate that the GMM estimation using the system estimator of Blundell and Bond (1998) may be superior to the other methods. The parameter of the lagged dependent variable is inside the limits indicated by the OLS and the within estimator. The second lag of the dependent variable is rejected as an instrument and there are strong indications of serial correlation. Later on, we have to transform the model to make the serial correlation disappear. In a later version of this paper we will test if the MPC is changing over time. We will also test if there are different effects from price- and production dependent agricultural income and other income.


Norge er gjennom EØS-avtalen integrert i EUs indre marked. Lovgivningen på de saker som berøres av det indre markedet er dermed koplet til EUs lovgivningsprosess. I denne artikkelen ser vi på hvilken rolle Stortinget har og kan ha innenfor de rammer som EØS-avtalen gir. Hvordan behandles EØS-sakene i Stortinget? Er vi vitne til en suspensjon av norsk lovgivningsmyndighet?


Mixtures of white clover and smooth meadow-grass and pure stands of grass were treated with 0, 40, 80 or 120 kg N ha-1. Yields were compared between all treatments and the proportion of white clover in the mixtures was determined. N2 fixation was estimated by the N-difference method. The experiment was established in 1996 on a sandy loam in Tromsø (690 39"N), northern Norway, under subarctic conditions. The clover/grass mixtures yielded more than pure stands of grass. N-levels significantly affected the dry matter production of the grass, but much less of the mixtures. As N-levels increased from 0 to 120 kg N ha-1 , the yields of the mixture rose from 4.1 t ha-1 to 5.3 t ha-1 while the yields of the grass in pure stand increased from 1.2 t ha-1 to 4.8 t ha-1. Increasing N-levels caused a decrease of the proportion of white clover in the mixtures. With 0 kg N application, white clover made up 63% of the total dry matter yields, whereas at 120 kg Nha-1 the proportion dropped to 19%. Correspondingly, N-application strongly depressed the yields of fixed N2 from 91 kg N ha-1 when no fertilizer N was added, to 30 kg N ha-1 at the highest N-level.


Artikkelen diskuterer resultater fra et forsøk med tre engrappsorter for beiting. Forsøket ble lagt ut med to gjødslingsnivåer, på fire steder i Nord-Norge