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Questions: How does Calluna vulgaris regenerate after burning in old and younger wet heath and old dry heath? Location: Central Norway Methods: Together 17 patches of old and younger wet heath and old dry heath dominated by Calluna vulgaris were burned. The mean temperatures reached in the various categories of heath were measured. Cover, frequency, height and number of seedlings of Calluna vulgaris were studied in 1 m2 plots. Results: The mean burning temperatures varied from 680 to 740 ºC, highest in wet heath that had not been burned for at least 50 years. Regeneration of Calluna vulgaris was evident in the year of burning, but only from seeds. Even heath with a short burning interval lacked vegetative regeneration. The Calluna vulgaris cover increased yearly and passed 50 % three years after burning. The performance of regeneration was evident in the year of burning, and highest in heath with a short burning interval. The height increased regularly on all sites, but was most rapid in dry heath, probably because of better microclimatic conditions. There were more seedlings in the heath with a short burning interval. Conclusions: Calluna vulgaris regenerates only from seeds after burning in central Norway, and the density of Calluna vulgaris increased rapidly which is positive for the conservation and management of coastal heaths in central Norway.


Hjortebeiting på attlegg og ung eng fører til reduserte avlingar, særleg der ein sår timotei og engfrøblanding. Etter få år endrar botanisk samansetning seg slik at mykje av timoteien vert erstatta av villgras. Fôreiningskonsentrasjonen og til dels proteininnhaldet er høgare i gras som er utsett for beiting enn i gras utan beitepåverknad når ein haustar på same tidspunkt. Likevel er avlingstapet for ny eng som er utsett for sterk hjortebeiting stort. I gjennomsnitt for dei tre første engåra er avlingstapet ved hausting for engfrøblanding 300 Fem/daa og år. Registreringar i eksisterande eng i Eikås Storvald i Jølster syner eit lågare avlingstap. I 2004 var det gjennomsnittlege avlingstapet på 68 Fem/daa, men det varierer mykje mellom bruk. Avlingstap som følgje av hjortebeiting representerer store økonomiske verdiar, og tapet er ulikt fordelt mellom grunneigarar. Det er ei utfordring å finne ein rettferdig måte å jamne ut desse skilnadane. Dette er eitt av måla i prosjektet "Kostar hjorten meir enn han smaker?" der ein ynskjer å utvikle metodar for å berekne inntekter og utgifter frå hjorten.


Med den store hjortestamma på Vestlandet vert det skadepress på innmark og skog. Forsøk Planteforsk Fureneset Fagsenter har gjort viser at beiting av hjort på eng gir størst avlingsreduksjon på første slått i 1. engår, der det er målt eit avlingstap på mellom 189 og 266 kg tørrstoff/ daa. Resultata syner også at avlingstapet vert mindre med aukande engalder, og at det er svært store skilnader på kor hardt råka dei einskilde grunneigarane er sjølv innafor eit storvald.


Two hand-held spectro-radiometers were used to measure canopy reflectance from winter wheat and spring barley in two ongoing fertilizer experiments. Relations between measurements made in June and plant N content (June), above-ground biomass (June), yields and grain protein content (at harvest in August) were studied. For winter wheat, regression models predicted up to 55, 89, 88 and 28% of the variations in N-content, biomass, yields and protein content, respectively. For spring barley the corresponding predictions were 87, 96, 87 and 22%.


Apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) is a promising indicator for important soil physical and chemical properties. In this paper the method of measuring ECa to characterize within-field variability was tested on a clay soil in S Norway. A field survey was conducted with the Geonics EM38 on a 15 ha field, and 223 soil samples were taken. Most of the measured variables of the topsoil, except P-AL, total N and organic C, were significantly (p£0.05) correlated with ECa. Topsoil Mg-AL alone accounted for 75% of the variation in ECa. Subsoil pH and clay, silt and coarse sand contents were correlated with ECa. The clay content at both depths accounted for 63% of the variation in ECa. After grouping the data on the basis of measured ECa into classes with intervals of 2 mS/m, there were significant differences in soil properties (combinations of clay content, Mg-AL and K-HNO3) between 7 out of 9 classes.