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About 18% of the conventional dairy and cash crop farmers in Norway are considering to, and 4% are planning to convert to organic farming during the next five years. ...


About 22 % of the conventional dairy and cash crop farmers in Norway were considering or were planninAbout 22 % of the conventional dairy and cash crop farmers in Norway were considering or were planning to convert to organic farming during the next four years. For these farmers, here called potential converters, higher soil fertility, professional challenges, profitability, and organic farming payments were important motives for considering to convert.


This study was conducted to explore organic and conventional dairy farmers? perceptions of risk and risk management, and to examine relationships between farm and farmer characteristics, risk perceptions, and strategies.


About eighteen percent of the conventional dairy and cash crop farmers in Norway are considering to, and four percent are planning to convert to organic farming during the next five years. These two farmer groups can be considered as the potential for conversion to organic farming in Norway. In a questionnaire survey, this group rated attitudes on organic and conventional farming more similar to organic farmers than other conven¬tional farmers did. For farmers considering or planning to convert, additional organic farming payments, organic farming laws and regulations and price premiums for organic products were more important sources of risk than for other conven¬tional farmers. Most of these mentioned factors are influenced by agricultural policies, which thus represent an important factor for farmers` decision regarding the conversion to organic farming.


Det presenteres her resultater fra andre sesong i det fireårige prosjektet "Bedre potetkvalitet ved riktig vekstavslutning - Effekter av ulik risdreping og avmodning på avling, tørråte og kvalitet av poteter til ferskkonsum og fritering". Prosjektet er finansiert av Fondet for forskningsavgift på landbruksprodukter og med bidrag og støtte fra hele potetnæringen. Prosjektet undersøker betydningen av ulik vekstavslutning for kvalitet av poteter, spesielt modningsrelaterte egenskaper og tørråtesmitte. Her fokuseres det på årets resultater fra vekstavslutningens betydning for størrelsesfordeling, tørrstoff og flasseegenskaper. Forskjellene i avmodning, målt som friskt ris, tørrstoffinnhold og flassing, er relativt store mellom felt og mellom sorter. Vekstavslutning ser ut til å ha større betydning på avmodning enn det lysgroing har. Nedsviing 14 dager før høsting ga normalt en noe bedre skallfasthet enn høsting på "grønt" ris, men forskjellene var ikke store i disse forsøkene. Bruk av Torquemeter ser ut til å være en lovende og relativt objektiv og reproduserbar metode for å måle skallfasthet.


Up to ca. 1960, the forest sector was the largest export sector in Norway. Since then its importance has decreased, until in 2003 the export value totalled only 2,5 % of the export sector. The import of forest products constituted a relatively higher share of the total import value than the export (about 3,3%). Pulp and paper, mainly newsprint, is the most important export product. The annual cut has declined 30 per cent over the last decade and in 2003 totalled about 7.5 million cubic metres. The reasons for this decline are not fully understood, but changes in ownership structure, low unemployment rates and good job opportunities outside of the forest sector and the abolition of cost-share programs are certainly some of the explanation. Private non industrial owners own 78,5 % of the forest area and the average size of a forest property is 57 hectares. Almost all fellings are certified, and there is an intensive ongoing debate on the need for protection of a larger forest area. There is a large potential for developing non-wood products and services, and the forest owners association have companies and organisations dealing with this. There is a demand from both domestic and foreign customers for non-wood products and services but the cooperation with the domestic tourist industry still has to be improved to coordinate this effectively. There is a weak entrepreneurship culture in the forest products industry, with a few regional exceptions. The culture is mainly production oriented and market competence and international orientation is needed. Compared with other industries in Norway the level of education is low in the forest products industry. A large public program was started in 2002 to stimulate innovation and competence building activities in the forest products sector.


During the 1980s Norway was troubled with overcapacity in the agricultural sector. The rural development support scheme (RDSS) was introduced. Farmers were encouraged to invest in forestry-related projects and rural business. More than 15 evaluations of the RDSS are undertaken, all of them having severe methodological weakness. The following study introduces a new tool, when analyzing a public support scheme like the RDSS in Norway. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a multi-input, multi-output optimization model used to measure relative efficiency of the best practice counties. The analysis is a two-stage study. In step one, it is found that 13 of the 18 (72%) counties in Norway are generating less output in the form of employment from a given level of the RDSS-budget than technically possible. In step two, a reallocation of the budget is shown for the purpose of maximizing the output of job establishments in rural Norway. The DEA is seen as a useful tool in measuring the efficiency of the RDSS at regional level in Norway.