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Det er både et politisk og helsefaglig ønske om økt forbruk av frukt og grønnsaker i Norge, og det er enighet om at det er nødvendig med god produktkvalitet for å oppnå dette. Grunnlaget for å oppnå bedre kvalitet, med spesiell fokus på god smak og helseeffekter, må være bedre kjennskap til hvordan de dyrkningsmessige faktorene påvirker disse.


This study compares diversity an abundance of spiders in barley with different sub crops and in young ley. Spiders were sampled from 14 cereal and 4 grass-clover fields distributed within three different sites in eastern and central Norway. Two sites were long term experimental field trials and one was an organically managed farm. Pitfall traps were used to sample spiders from May to Sept 2004. In total 4130 spiders were found. The density and number of species varied between fields. More individuals of both Linyphiidae and Lycosidae were trapped in fields with leys compared to fields with cereals. There was no clear difference in total density of spiders according to type of sub-crop, but more Lycosidae were found in cereal fields undersown with ley than in fields undersown with ryegrass. A higher density of Linyphiidae was found in the cereal fields at the farm than at the two experimental sites, whereas the frequency of Lycosidae was about the same at the three sites. Only minor differences in number of species were found, but an ordination technique of multivariate analysis reveals differences in the spider community structures.


A 3.3 ha field experiment with tile-drained plots was established in 1988/89 at the Research Centre of the Arable Crops Division in central southeast Norway (60°42"N, 10°51"E, altitude 250 m). Six cropping systems, each with 2 replicates, are practiced on twelve 1.8 ha blocks, arranged in a randomised complete block design. During the first 10 years, the experiment provided data for many studies covering a wide range of topics. Some adjustments were made to the experimental treatments in 2000. The experiment now comprises three arable systems ("old-fashioned" and "modern" conventional arable cropping, and organic arable cropping with green manure as its only nutrient input) and three mixed dairy systems ("modern" conventional production of both arable and forage crops with 50% grass-clover ley, and organic production of both arable and forage crops with either 50 or 75% grass-clover ley in the rotation, all with farmyard manure). In this study, yields and N leaching/runoff losses are presented for the six agrohydrological years (May-April) 2001-2006. Results are discussed in relation to N use efficiency and sustainability of the systems.


Mange av hyllegardane langs Storfjorden i Møre og Romsdal har vorte innlemma i det nyoppretta Verdsarvområdet Vestnorsk Fjordlandskap. Gardane vart fråflytta i begynninga av førre hundreår og er nå i ferd med å gro att. Skageflå er den største og mest kjende av desse gardane. Denne planen gir tilrådingar om tiltak som skal bidra til å halde det tidlegare innmarksarealet på hyllegarden Skageflå ope.