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In the present study we applied X-band interferometric SAR (InSAR) data from the TanDEM-X mission, and investigated the relationship between InSAR height above ground and above-ground biomass (AGB) in a forest with very high biomass. We carried out this study in the East Usambara Mountains in Tanzania, with AGB ranging up to N1000 t/ha. Field inventory provided AGB data for 153 plots of 900 m2 in size. An airborne laser scanning (ALS) provided a DTM as well as AGB predictions for larger 8100 m2 cells over the entire study area. Three TanDEM-X acquisitions provided single-pass InSAR data, from which we generated a Digital Surface Models (DSM) and InSAR height by subtracting the ALS DTM. The results showed that proportionality may represent the relationship where AGB increased with 18.4 t/ha per m increase in InSAR height. The accuracy was low with RMSE = 203 t/ha (44%), which was partly attributable to small field plots and partly to a limited sensitivity of InSAR height to variations in basal area and stand density. An identical proportionality model, with less residual noise, was achieved by replacing the small field plots with the 8100 m2 cells having AGB predictions from ALS data.