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Artikkelen beskriver grønnsaksomsetning i Almería området og problemene knyttet til den intensive produksjonen.


A quantitative multiplex real-time PCR procedure was developed to monitor the dynamics in Norway spruce (Heterobasidion annosum) pathosystem. The assay reliably detected down to 1 pg of H. annosum DNA and 1 ng of host DNA in multiplex conditions. As a comparative method for quantifying fungal colonization,we applied the ergosterol assay. There was a very high correlation between the results obtained with the two methods, this strengthening the credibility of both assays. The advantages and disadvantages of these assays are discussed.


One of our main interests is to learn about the molecular basis of host defense responses, using the coniferous host Norway spruce infected with the pathogen Heterobasidion parviporum as the experimental system. This basidiomycete and the closely related pathogen H. annosum are the major root rot causing pathogens in conifers.To screen host material for differential resistance towards H. parviporum, it is a necessity to quantify the fungal colonization of the host tissues. Therefore, we aimed to develop and compare the sensitivity of a real-time PCR to an ergosterol based method for determining the rate of colonization. We developed a quantitative multiplex real-time PCR procedure that reliably detecting down to 1pg H. parviporum DNA and 1ng host DNA.There was a very high correlation between the fungal-biomass/total-biomass and fungal-DNA/total-DNA rankings obtained with ergosterol and real-time PCR, strengthening the credibility of both methods. The results indicate that this real-time procedure can be a useful method to screen different spruce material for their relative resistance to the pathogen H. parviporum.



En rapport om status i Planteforsks jordbærforedling ved utgangen av 2000. De mest lovende nummersortene presenteres. Resultatene fra 1999 ble i stor grad bekreftet i 2000 og dette er lovende med tanke på lansering av nye sorter i jordbær .