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Det fins mange ulike artar av Phytophthora, men felles for dei er at dei er svært skadelege for plantene dei angrip. Phytophthora spreier seg til stadig nye område i verda, og dette skuldast den omfattande internasjonale handelen med planter. Her i landet har vi funne skade av Phytophthora på treaktige planter (lignosar) både i planteskular, hagesenter, frukthagar, klyppegrøntfelt, juletrefelt, grøntanlegg og lauvskog. Funnet i skog er spesielt alarmerande, og vi må gjera alt for å hindra at artar av Phytophthora får fotfeste i våre skogs- og naturområde. Karanteneskadegjeraren P. ramorum har fleire gonger vorte stadfesta på import til Noreg. Dette er skremmande fordi vi veit at P. ramorum gjer stor skade på skog i USA og England.

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Ny, alvorleg sjukdom funnen på lauvtre i eit skogholt i Stavanger I 2009 vart det funne mørke flekkar på stammane på fleire spisslønn, ein bøk og ei bjørk ved Byhaugen i Stavanger. Slike flekkar er typiske symptom ved angrep av Phytophthora, og vert ofte omtala som blødande sår. På dei to førstnemnde artane vart det stadfesta at skadane skuldast rotråte på grunn av Phytophthora plurivora. Sjukdomen er kjent frå fleire land i Europa, der han vert sett på som ein stor trussel både i skog og andre økosystem. I oktober i år vart det også isolert Phytophthora frå bøk med liknande symptom i Bergen, men desse isolata er enno ikkje identifiserte til art.   


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BackgroundThe cultivated strawberry Fragaria ×ananassa is one of the most economically-important soft-fruit species. Few structural genomic resources have been reported for Fragaria and there exists an urgent need for the development of physical mapping resources for the genus. The first stage in the development of a physical map for Fragaria is the construction and characterisation of a high molecular weight bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library.MethodsA BAC library, consisting of 18,432 clones was constructed from Fragaria vesca f. semperflorens accession "Ali Baba". BAC DNA from individual library clones was pooled to create a PCR-based screening assay for the library, whereby individual clones could be identified with just 34 PCR reactions. These pools were used to screen the BAC library and anchor individual clones to the diploid Fragaria reference map (FV×FN).FindingsClones from the BAC library developed contained an average insert size of 85 kb, representing over seven genome equivalents. The pools and superpools developed were used to identify a set of BAC clones containing 70 molecular markers previously mapped to the diploid Fragaria FV×FN reference map. The number of positive colonies identified for each marker suggests the library represents between 4× and 10× coverage of the diploid Fragaria genome, which is in accordance with the estimate of library coverage based on average insert size.ConclusionThis BAC library will be used for the construction of a physical map for F. vesca and the superpools will permit physical anchoring of molecular markers using PCR.


Abstract Germplasm characterization is an important component contributing to the effective management of plant genetic resources. The goal of this thesis was to study the genetic diversity of two models of vegetatively propagated plant species; roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L.) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam), based on germplasm collections. Roseroot was recently collected from natural habitats and then vegetatively propagated at the germplasm centre while sweet potato already has a long tradition as a vegetatively propagated food species. I. Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) Roseroot, R. rosea, also commonly known as golden root or arctic root, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Crassulaceae family. R. rosea has its origin from the cold, humid regions of the northern hemisphere and grows mostly in the mountains near the snow border. R. rosea is widely distributed in Norway. As part of an effort to identify commercially valuable genotypes characterization of a germplasm collection from Norway was initiated. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to estimate genetic diversity within the Norwegian R. rosea germplasm collection. AFLP analysis of 97 R. rosea clones using five primer combinations gave a total of 109 polymorphic bands. A large molecular marker variation was found among roseroot clones in Norway with an average percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) of 82.3%. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a significantly greater variation within regions (92.03%) than among regions (7.97%) demonstrating that there was no close genetic similarity among clones originating from the same county. A low level of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.043) was observed, indicating a high level of gene flow, which had a strong influence on the genetic structure in Norway. Our results indicate high gene flow among R. rosea clones that might be a result of seed dispersal rather than cross-pollination. Ninety five clones of the Norwegian roseroot germplasm collection were analysed and quantified for their content of the bioactive compounds rosavin, salidroside, rosin, cinnamyl alcohol and tyrosol using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis. All bioactive compounds were detected in all clones but in highly variable quantities. The frequency distribution of the chemical content of each clone was not correlated with geographic region of origin or gender of the plant. Significant correlations between the content of these bioactive compounds were observed within individual roseroot clones. Low and nonsignificant correlations were found between AFLP markers used to study genetic diversity of the roseroot clones and their content of chemical compounds. The maximum content of rosavin, rosin and salidroside observed were substantially higher than previously reported for roseroot plants, and the roseroot clones characterized in this study might therefore be of high pharmacological value. The large quantitative and qualitative variation of the chemical compounds observed in this study and the large genetic diversity observed in this germplasm constitute a firm basis for improving traits such as chemical composition in a breeding program for roseroot. This is the first report that combines the analysis of genetic diversity with information of the chemical composition of roseroot. Further studies of the roseroot populations from Norway as well as from other countries should be performed throughout the following years to identify clones with optimal chemical compositions and to maintain high genetic diversity of this species. II. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) Sweet potato has its origin in South America and is the 7th most important crop in the world. A Tanzanian sweet potato germplasm collection was characterized using molecular markers and morphological traits. The AFLP method was used to study the genetic diversity and relationships of sweet potato accessions in the germplasm collection ..