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We have compared bud set and frost hardiness among Norway spruce (Piceas abies (L.) Karst.) provenances and families in two cold-acclimation regimes in a phytotron; low light intensity and high night temperatures (LL-HNT), and high light intensity and low night temperatures (HL-LNT) under shortening day lengths.Nine provenances from 59-66N and altitude 100-700 m within Norway, and nine open-pollinated families from a single stand (61N, 270 m elevation) were used. Both provenances and families started bud set and frost hardening earlier in LL-HNT than in HL-LNT.Correlations between the same trait expressed in two regimes were high for both bud set and hardiness at the provenance level and slightly lower at the family level. The variation among family means in bud set and hardiness was large. The differences found between the family extremes were up to 75% of those found between provenance extremes.The relationship between bud set and frost hardiness was strong among the provenance means within both environments (r = 0.92) but weak for the families (r = 0.22-0.44). Causal factors influencing phenotypic variation within traits and covariation among traits may differ for provenances and families within stands. The strong relationships among traits that are found at the provenance level cannot be generalized to the levels of families or clones.