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Isoproturon is a herbicide which is fairly soluble in water and is considered a risk compound for leaching to surface and ground water. The fungicide metalaxyl is even more water soluble than isoproturon and can be rapidly leached from sandy soil that are low in organic matter. Transformation rates of isoproturon and metalaxyl in a silty clay loam and a sandy loam from Norway have been studied in the laboratory as well as in the field. Production of the metabolites monodesmethyl-isoproturon, didesmethyl-isoproturon and the acid-metabolite of metalaxyl were also monitored.


Degradation and dissipation studies in laboratory and field were performed with isoproturon (IPU) to produce data for modelling the fate of an autumn applied pesticide in a Gleyic Podzoluvisol in Norway. Transformation rate studies of IPU in the laboratory displayed a half-life of 13 days in the topsoil (0-20 cm) and 21 days in the subsoil (20-40 cm) at 20 degrees C. The production of two major metabolites were also studied. In the field, less than 9% of the IPU applied leached further than 20 cm. The half-life of IPU in the field was 21 days.


I 2001 ble 2618 vegetabilske prøver undersøkt for plantevernmiddelrester, derav var 105 prøver av matkorn. Totalt 169 ulike vareslag ble analyser for inntil 179 forskjellige plantevernmidler. Totalt var 63,6 % av prøvene uten påvisbare rester av plantevernmidler. Gjeldende grenseverdi ble overskredet i 4,9 % av prøvene, hvorav 1,1 % var i norske prøver og 6,8 % var i importerte prøver. Fra et helsefaglig synspunkt kan det konkluderes at restnivået av plnatevermidler i norske og importerte vegetabiler totalt sett anses å representere liten helserisiko for den norske forbruker.


This paper describes the methods used for analysis of pesticide residues in the projects described in this work. From January 1995, a multiresidue method using pentafluorobenzyl bromide as the derivatizing agent (Method no. 15) was used for the more polar pesticides as a routine method at the Pesticide Laboratory. Until the end of 1994, another method (no. 08) was used, the main difference being the derivatization step [4]. For the less polar compounds, a multiresidue method (no. 03) was used.


The runoff from the drainage Hydrology. A satisfactory simulation is dependent on that the amount of water, which leaches to the drainage, is reflected in the model. According to Resseler et al. (1996), the difference between the calculated and the observed amount of water should not exceed 25% during a year. For the blind test with no changes in the parameters for 1994/95, there is a difference of 45%. The main reason for this is that the model is unable to simulate the last runoff in the spring. This is a reocurring problem for all of the years, both for surface and drainage runoff. The active substance in the ditch water. All of the measured concentrations have been less than 1 µg/L. According to Resseler et al. (1996), the difference between the calculated and the observed amount should not exceed a factor of 10. All of the simulated concentrations have been within this range. Surface runoff Hydrology. The simulations of the hydrology has not exceeded the recommended limit of 25% difference between simulated and measured values. However, the simulations are poor when it comes to modelling the distribution of the runoff events throughout the year. The model simulates an earlier runoff than observed and it is also very poor at simulating the runoff in April. The active substance in the draianage water. Most of the measurements performed have given pesticide concentrations less than 1 µg/L. With the exception of a few of the measurements, all of the simulated values lie within the recommended factor of 10. Those values that differ from this, have been events where the model has simulated runoff in connection with the application of the pesticides to the field, when the volume of runoff water has been too small to sample. The total runoff of pesticides in the catchment. Table 6 displays how much the pesticide runoff constitutes in relation to the concentrations that were applied in 1993 and 1994. In total, pesticide runoff separately constitutes less than 0.1% of the amount originally applied. Surface water. Among the measured pesticides, propiconazol has the largest % runoff (0.05%). The simulated value was 0.1%, and was therefore overestimated in 1994/95, but underestimated in 1993/94. Runoff from the drainages. Only bentazone had concentrations at measurable levels. The values are within a factor of two between the simulated and the measured values for both seasons. The model underestimates the total amount of bentazone in the ditch water both years. When the runoff of the pesticides from all the plots are compared to the amount applied, the simulated results are fitting quite well within the measured range of concentrations. The factor is less than 4 between the simulated and observed concentrations for all plots and pesticides. The model overestimates the runoff of propiconazol in all plots, except one plot. Propiconazol had the highest degree of runoff in 1994/95.


In the period 1993-1996 an experimental field with application of the pesticides bentazone, MCPA and dichlorprop was carried out at Mørdre in Akershus. Samples of surface and drainage water were continuous collected from the field, which were 6 ha. The field was a part of a larger area grown with small grain. Surface water samples were collected from four small plots with different soil management. Columns from three different soil types were installed in the field, to study the movement of the pesticides in the upper soil layer. Bentazone was the most frequently found pesticide and with the highest concentrations in the surface runoff. MCPA was detected at the lowest frequency and with the lowest concentration. From the periods with water flow measurements, the pesticide runoff was less than 1 % of the amount added. The concentrations in the surface water were less than 1/10000 of the L(E)C50 - value for the most sensitive water organisms used in toxicological tests. Bentazone was found in all samples of drainage water in 1995 and 1996. In drainage water the concentrations of all pesticides were less than 1/1000 of the L(E)C50 - value for the most sensitive water organism. In the column experiment, there were no indications of accumulation of pesticides in the upper soil layer and the recovery was up to 4 % of added amount one year after the last spraying.



Field dissipation of isoproturon in a silty clay loam showed that this herbicides did not leach much below 20 cm  i.e. a rapid dissipation in this layer preventedany long-term transport to deeper layers. A degradation product monodesmethyl-isoproturon seemed to be mord readily transported below the plough layer, but only at aminor concentrations.


Isoproturon is fairly soluble in water and is concidered a risk compound for leaching to surface and ground water. Transformation rates of isoproturon in a silty clay loam from Norway has been studied in the laboratory aswell as in the field.