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The source of input data for soil physical properties may contribute to uncertainty in simulated catchment response. The objective of this study was to quantify the uncertainty in catchment surface runoff and erosion predicted by the physically based model LISEM, as influenced by uncertainty in soil texture and SOM content, and the pedotransfer function derived soil water retention curve, hydraulic conductivity, aggregate stability and cohesion. LISEM was first calibrated using measured data in a sub-catchment, and then run for the whole catchment for a summer storm event with basic input data from two data sources: soil series specific generic data from the national soil survey database, and measured data collected in a grid within the catchment. The measured data were assigned in two ways: mean values per map unit, or random distribution (50 realizations) per map unit. The model was run both for a low risk situation (crop covered surface) and a high risk situation (without crop cover and with reduced aggregate stability and cohesion). The main results were that 1) using non-local database data yielded much higher peak discharge and five to six times higher soil loss than using locally measured data, 2) there was little difference in simulated runoff and soil loss between the two approaches (mean value versus randomdistribution) to assign locally measured data, 3) differences between the 50 random realizationswere insignificant, for both low-risk and high-risk situations, and 4) uncertainty related to input data could result in larger differences between runswith different input data source than between runswith the same input data source but extreme differences in erosion risk. The main conclusion was that inadequate choice of input data source can significantly affect general soil loss and the effect of measures.


Høstpløying og harving før såing har vært den tradisjonelle jordarbeidingsmetoden til kornproduksjon i Norge. Feltforsøk har vist at denne jordarbeidingsmetoden generelt gir større tap av jord og næringsstoffer enn endret eller redusert jordarbeiding. I henhold til vannforskriften skal tilførsler av næringsstoffer til vann og vassdrag reduseres for å oppnå tilfredsstillende økologisk status i vannforekomsten. Overvintring i stubb gir generelt den beste beskyttelse mot erosjon og fosfortap, men effekten vil variere med helling, jordart og værforhold det enkelte år. Effektive tiltak for å redusere tap av fosfor bør derfor målrettes og tilpasses de lokale forhold.

Til dokument


Denne rapporten er gjennomført for Statens Landbruksforvaltning (SLF) som del av deres evaluering av Regionale miljøprogram. I rapporten evalueres ordningene under “Avrenning til vassdrag “ dvs i hovedsak tilskuddsordningene knyttet til endret jordarbeiding. Beskrivelse av ordningene i utvalgte fylker, gjennomføringsgrad, miljøeffekter og kostnadseffektivitet er vurdert. Se utvidet sammendrag.


The current IPCC guidelines define an estimate for the fraction of mineral fertilizer and animal waste (manure) lost to leaching and runoff (FracLEACH). The FracLEACH default is 30 %. In Norway, 18 % has been used based on calculations made in 1998 (Vagstad et al., 1998). The main purpose of this study was to give an updated estimate of nitrogen (N) leaching in relation to the amounts of N applied in agriculture (FracLEACH). The term losses in this report include both surface and subsurface runoff. The estimates of FracLEACH presented in this report were based on data from the Agricultural Environmental monitoring program (JOVA). The JOVA-program includes catchment and field study sites representing typical situations in Norwegian agriculture with regard to production system, management, intensity, soil, landscape, region and climate. Data from plot- scale study sites confirmed the level of N leaching from the agricultural areas within the JOVA catchments. The overall FracLEACH estimated in this study was 22 % of the N applied. This average covers a variation between sites from 16 % on grassland in Valdres to 44 % in intensive vegetable, potato and cereal production areas in the southernmost part of Norway. Runoff is the most significant parameter for the difference in FracLEACH between catchments. In addition, production system and to some degree soil type are important for FracLEACH. It is thus suggested to use different FracLEACH-values for the different production systems and adjust FracLEACH according to average runoff for the region.