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Many time series analysis methods depend on equally spaced observations with no data point missing. If this condition is met, powerful techniques are available that identify temporal structures such as trends or periodic phenomena or nonlinear dynamics. Unfortunately, most of observations of natural systems, in particular over longer periods of time such as decades, are prone to sampling errors leading to missing points in the observations. Singular System Analysis (SSA) is a powerful tool to extract the dynamics contained in time series at arbitrary temporal scales...


Runoff time series are known to contain long term structures on interannual to decadal time scales. Investigating spatial patterns of long term structures is a way to elucidate the relationship between external forcings and watershed properties. This would be a valuable contribution to an improved water resources management. Singular System Analysis (SSA) is a powerful technique to identify and extract significant long term components from time series. However, many observations from natural systems are prone to missing data that hamper many analysis techniques, including the SSA in its original formulation...


Nitrogennedfallet i skog virker gjødslende på skog, og fører derfor til økt karbonbinding. Så selv om nitrogennedfallet er en forurensning, så har det den positive effekt at det bidrar til å motvirke klimaendringene. Spørsmålet er hvor stor denne effekten er. Vi har i vårt EU/Forest Focus-prosjekt ”Assessment of the relative importance of nitrogen deposition, climate change and forest management on the sequestration of carbon at intensive monitoring plots in Europe” estimert denne effekten til å være omkring 30 kg ekstra bundet karbon for hver kg nitrogen som blir avsatt i skog...


The European pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer is a widely distributed defoliator of pines that can cause substantial growth losses over extensive areas. It attacks most species of twoneedle pines in its distribution area, and have occasional short-lived outbreaks that may cover up to 200.000 ha. In Norway we have had outbreak populations in the eastern part of the country since 2004, and in an ongoing research project we are evaluating aerial application of the Neodiprion sertifer nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NsNPV) to control Neodiprion sertifer....


We investigated whether the stand age affects the life span of tree and understory fine roots (<1mm) in three Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands: 30, 60 and 120-yr-old. In each stand 9 minirhizotrons were installed and images were collected once in a month throughout the growing season during the three years. Norway spruce fine roots in the 30-yr old stand had a life span 401 ± 27 and 341 ± 68 days, and understory 409 ± 162 and 349 ± 142 days, estimated by using the Kaplan Meier survival analysis (KM) and Weibull distribution, respectively...


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We studied first winter frost-heaving damage to one-year-old Picea abies (L.) Karst. seedlings planted in gaps made by group fellings (large circular gaps, ca. 500 m(2)) and single-tree selection cuttings (small irregularly shaped gaps, ca. 175 m 2), as well as in uncut forest. One-month-old seedlings were planted on manually exposed LF, Ae, and B horizons that emulated various intensities and depths of scarification. The three experimental sites were located in multistoried Pinus sylvestris L. or P. abies forests on sandy loam or silt loam in southeastern Norway. Altogether, 5% of seedlings sustained frost heaving damage on the LF horizon, compared with 20% on the Ae horizon and 45% on the B horizon. On average, 31% of the seedlings in large gaps incurred frost-heaving damage compared with 20% in small gaps and 19% in uncut forest. Exposed roots and poorly anchored or uplifted seedlings were recurring classes of damage, especially on the B horizon and in large gaps. The above- versus below-ground biomass ratio of seedlings was higher on the B than on the Ae horizon in uncut forest and large gaps, inferring broken roots. Therefore, to reduce the risk of frost-heaving damage, shallow soil preparation and smaller gap sizes should be used.


På vegetasjonstypen blåbærskog vil spireforholdene ofte være ugunstige på grunn av et relativt kraftig råhumuslag. I dette forsøket inntraff et svært godt frøår for gran året etter hogsten, men på tross av dette er foryngelsen ved siste revisjon fremdeles utilfredsstillende når det ikke ble markberedt. Andelen sirkelflater uten granforyngelse var svært høy både på kontrollruta og på bledningsrutene med svak og middels uttak. Tilslaget av naturforyngelse på rutene med høyt hogstuttak og småflatehogst var noe bedre, med henholdsvis 43 og 33 % nullruter. Det er likevel klart at markberedning har vært en forutsetning for å oppnå en tilfredsstillende gjenvekst også her.