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Skogarealet i Sogn og Fjordane omfatter 53 % lauvtredominert skog, hvorav 46 prosentpoeng er bjørkeskog med mer enn 70 % bjørk. Grandominert skog utgjør 14 %, mens 31 % er furudominert skog og 2 % er hogstklasse 1 med uspesifisert treslag. Andelen lauvtredominert skog er dobbelt så høy som landsgjennomsnittet, og det er særlig andelen bjørkeskog som er høy. Hogstklassefordelingen i Sogn og Fjordane viser at 43 % av arealet består av hogstmoden skog i hogstklasse 5, mens bare 13 % er ung skog i hogstklasse 2. Figuren viser også en relativt høy andel av skog på lav bonitet (H40 = 6-8).

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Skogarealet i Troms omfatter 88 % lauvtredominert skog, der 77 prosentpoeng er bjørkeskog med mer enn 70 % bjørk. Grandominert skog utgjør 4 %, mens 6 % er furudominert skog. Ca 2 % er hogstklasse 1 med uspesifisert treslag. Andelen lauvtredominert skog er tre ganger så høy som landsgjennomsnittet, og det er særlig andelen bjørkeskog som er høy....


Mulighetene for å kartlegge skogressurser med satellittbaserte RADAR-instrumenter er undersøkt. Det er bildedannende RADAR som er brukt, såkalt syntetisk aperture RADAR (SAR). Vi har testet ut C-bånd polarimetri (PolSAR) fra Radarsat-2 og X-bånd interferometri (InSAR) fra Tandem-X. PolSAR som metode bygger på at ulike typer arealklasser gir ulike typer ekko, mens InSAR bygger på at RADAR-ekkoets høyde over bakken er korrelert med volum og biomasse. Resultatene viser at polarimetrisk C-bånd SAR alene ser ut til å være verdiløst for skogkartlegging. Årsaken er at de korte C-bånd bølgelengdene ikke penetrerer noe særlig ned i vegetasjonen, og store trær vi derfor gi tilnærmet samme ekko som bunnvegetasjon. For InSAR, derimot, har vi oppnådd gode resultater, og dette er i tråd med tidligere utprøvinger basert på liknende data fra romferge-misjonen SRTM i år 2000. InSAR er en lovende metode for kartlegging av volum og biomasse i skog, med en nøyaktighet på bestandnivå på 23%.


Landsskogtakseringen gir i dag estimater av skoglige parametre på nasjonalt og regionalt nivå ved hjelp av et systematisk nettverk av prøveflater. Den genererte informasjonen blir brukt til en rekke formål, herunder utforming av nasjonal og regional skogpolitikk, rapportering til internasjonale organer og avtaler slik som Kyoto-protokollen, strategisk planlegging for skognæringen, samt overvåking av viktige biologiske indikatorer.


In South-east Norway, several scattered observations of reduced growth and dieback symptoms were observed over the last 20 years in 40-60 years old Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees. Typical symptoms start with yellowing in the top and subsequent dieback downwards from the top. These symptoms are often combined with bark beetle (Ips typographus), honey fungus (Armillaria spp.) infections, and a sudden decrease in diameter and height growth. After about 1-5 years, most of the symptomatic trees are dead.We selected 11 representative stands in six counties. In each stand all trees in ten 250 m2 plots were evaluated, in total about 4000 trees. In each of these 110 plots, one symptomatic and one non-symptomatic tree were investigated in more detail. We measured tree diameter, height, took increment cores and assessed crown condition, wounds, resin flow, stem cracks, bark beetle infection and Armillaria presence. In addition, internode lengths of the last 20 years were measured in two of the stands.Preliminary results of internode lengths and increment cores showed a sudden decrease of height and diameter growth in the symptomatic trees. Many of these trees had a secondary infection of bark beetles and Armillaria. Some years appear to be typical problem years for many of the trees. These years also correspond with summer drought, i.e. negative Palmer drought severity indexes which were estimated for each stand. In comparison, the non-symptomatic trees, growing close to the symptomatic ones, showed none or minor growth reductions and discolouration.Climate change and increased summer drought may worsen spruce dieback problems. Management adaptions are uncertain. We conclude that Norway spruce is sensitive to drought, which reduce the growth and weaken the health, and probably reduce the defence against secondary infections.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of whole-tree harvesting (WTH) on the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) as compared to conventional stem harvesting (CH) over 10 and 20 years. Compensatory (WTH+ CoF) and normal nitrogen-based (CH + F or WTH+ F) fertilisation were also studied. A series of 22 field experiments were established during 1977–1987, representing a range of site types and climatic conditions in Finland, Norway and Sweden. The treatments were performed at the time of establishment and were repeated after 10–13 years at 11 experimental sites. Seven experiments were followed for 25 years. Volume increment was on average significantly lower after WTH than after CH in both 10-year periods in the spruce stands. In the pine stands thinned only once, the WTH induced growth reduction was significant during the second 10-year period, indicating a long-term response. Volume increment of pine stands was 4 and 8% and that of spruce stands 5 and 13% lower on the WTH plots than on CH during the first and the second 10-year period, respectively. For the second 10- year period the relative volume increment of the whole-tree harvested plots tended to be negatively correlated with the amount of logging residue. Accordingly, the relative volume increment decreased more, the more logging residue was harvested, stressing the importance of developing methods for leaving the nutrient-rich needles on site. If nutrient (N, P, K) losses with the removed logging residues were compensated with fertiliser (WTH+ CoF), the volume increment was equal to that in the CH plots. Nitrogen (150–180 kg ha−1) or N+ P fertilisation increased tree growth in all experiments except in one very productive spruce stand. Pine stands fertilised only once had a normal positive growth response during the first 10-year period, on average 13m3 ha−1, followed by a negative response of 5m3 ha−1 during the second 10-year period. The fertilisation effect of WTH+ F and WTH+ CoF on basal area increment was both smaller and shorter than with CH+ F.