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Rapporten beskriver, og gir resultater fra, «Overvåkingsprogrammet for skog i verneområder» som omfatter nasjonalparker og naturreservater som var etablert pr. 1.1.2016. Registreringene ble gjennomført av Landsskogtakseringen i perioden 2012-2016. Statistikk for arealtyper, skogtilstand og miljøverdier som er viktig for biologisk mangfold sammenstilles. [...] Denne rapporten er en revidert utgave av NIBIO rapport 3(142) 2017, M-921. Kapittel 4.5: Volum, og tilhørende tabeller i vedlegget, er oppdatert på grunn av endring i grunnlagsdata.


I områdene øst for Glomma sør for Elverum har fylkesmennene takket nei til tilbud om frivillig vern av flere skogområder. Begrunnelsen for dette er at områdene ikke har hatt tilstrekkelig høy kvalitet ut fra den metodikken som legges til grunn for verdisetting av skog. Det er ønskelig å undersøke om data fra Landsskogtakseringen kan brukes til å beskrive hva som er potensialet for å finne arealer i dette området som kan vernes gjennom ordningen frivillig vern av skog. I tillegg vil det med bakgrunn i beskrivelsen av skogtilstandsvariablene bli vurdert om resultatene kan bidra til bedre vurderinger av hvilke arealer som bør prioriteres for vern i denne regionen.......

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In the Nordic-Baltic region, there has been a growing concern about an increasing occurrence of multiple tops in young stands of Norway spruce. There is however a lack of documentation on the amount of such damages, and the causal agents involved. In two separate studies in SE Norway, we assessed the frequency of multiple tops in young sapling-sized stands, and studied the relationship between the occurrence of multiple tops and lammas growth the previous growing season on the sample trees. Study 1 included 44 planted and 10 naturally regenerated stands, while Study 2 included 68 planted stands with information on seed source. Among sample trees with multiple tops, 57% (Study 1) and 32% (Study 2) had signs of lammas growth the previous autumn, either in the form of an extended leading shoot or swollen bud. Site index as well as sample tree height were positively correlated to the occurrence of both lammas growth and multiple tops in both studies. In Study 1 we show that the probability of lammas growth was significantly higher in planted than in naturally regenerated stands. In Study 2 we show that it was higher in stands planted with seedlings grown from stand-origin seeds compared with improved seed material. Furthermore, the results of both studies show that lammas growth occurs most frequently among the dominant trees in the stand.

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Kapping og beskjæring av tretopper langs kraftlinjer med sag fra helikopter reduserer risikoen for trefall på kraftlinja og kan være et kostnadseffektivt tiltak med få ulemper for skogeier. Topping eller kvisting med helikopter gir mindre sjanse for vindfall, toppbrekk og snøbøy, dels ved at trærne får mindre vindfang og mindre snølast, og dels ved at vektarmen som kraften virker på blir kortere.


Monitoring changes in forest height, biomass and carbon stock is important for understanding the drivers of forest change, clarifying the geography and magnitude of the fluxes of the global carbon budget and for providing input data to REDD+. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of covering these monitoring needs using InSAR DEM changes over time and associated estimates of forest biomass change and corresponding net CO2 emissions. A wall-to-wall map of net forest change for Uganda with its tropical forests was derived from two Digital Elevation Model (DEM) datasets, namely the SRTM acquired in 2000 and TanDEM-X acquired around 2012 based on Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and based on the height of the phase center. Errors in the form of bias, as well as parallel lines and belts having a certain height shift in the SRTM DEM were removed, and the penetration difference between X- and C-band SAR into the forest canopy was corrected. On average, we estimated X-band InSAR height to decrease by 7 cm during the period 2000–2012, corresponding to an estimated annual CO2 emission of 5 Mt for the entirety of Uganda. The uncertainty of this estimate given as a 95% confidence interval was 2.9–7.1 Mt. The presented method has a number of issues that require further research, including the particular SRTM biases and artifact errors; the penetration difference between the X- and C-band; the final height adjustment; and the validity of a linear conversion from InSAR height change to AGB change. However, the results corresponded well to other datasets on forest change and AGB stocks, concerning both their geographical variation and their aggregated values.