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Mer CO2 i atmosfæren, høyere temperatur og mer nedbør - de forespeilte klimaendringene skulle tilsynelatende føre til gode vekstforhold for de norske skoger. Det er imidlertid sannsynlig at vi i framtiden vil oppleve mer skogskader, i form av økt vinter- og vårfrost, mer sommertørke, mer stormfelling og en økning i soppsykdommer og insektangrep.


I Norge har vi hatt overvåking av skogens helsetilstand på permanente felt i over 20 år. En del av disse registreringene kan være av verdi også for en overvåking av skogskader relatert til klimaeendringer, og en videreføring har fordelen av at lange tidsserier sikres og videreføres. Forbedringer og kostnadsreduskjoner sammenliknet med dagens overvåking kan oppnås ved at noen registreringer erstattes av nye metoder som fjernmåling og automatiserte målinger, og noen registreringer kan slås sammen med andre aktiviteter.


Nettportalen Skogskader på Internett representerer moderniseringen av et rapporteringssystem som har vært operativt i Norge i over 100 år. Gjennom økt innrapportering, for eksempel med hjelp av den regionale, offentlige skogforvaltningen, samt en videre samordning med de andre nordiske landene, vil Norge få et operativt beredsskapssystem for overvåking av skadetilfeller i norsk skog.


I følge FNs klimapanel vil økte konsentrasjoner av drivhusgasser i atmosfæren føre til en global oppvarming på mellom 1,4 og 5,8 ºC fra 1990 til 2100. Oppvarmingen medfører en økning i nedbør. Det ventes imidlertid store regionale forskjeller, og i noen områder ventes mindre nedbør. Det ventes regionale forskjeller også for endringen i frekvensen av ekstreme værforhold. Regionale klimascenarier for Norge er utarbeidet i prosjektet RegClim ved å nedskalere resultater fra flere globale modeller og utslippsscenarier. For Norge ventes en temperaturøkning på mellom 0,2 og 0,4 ºC per tiår fra perioden 1961-1990 til perioden 2071-2100, med større oppvarming i innlandet enn langs kysten, større i nord enn i syd, og i nordlige områder større oppvarming om vinteren enn sommeren. Nedbørmengde ventes å øke i alle landsdeler og alle årstider med ett unntak: Sommernedbøren ventes å avta i Sørøst-Norge. Vindscenarier for Norge er usikre, men det ventes en svak økning i frekvensen av høye vindstyrker.


In the context of an ongoing project on REMote sensing of FORest health (REM-FOR), we analyze airborne high-resolution hyperspectral images of a pine-dominated region in southeast Norway heavily attacked by the Pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer, leading to severe defoliation. Leaf Area Index (LAI) is used as a proxy of the crown density, and comparing LAI maps from before and after the attack lead to indicators for damage extent. We discuss the application of the Forest Reflectance Model (FRT) of Kuusk and Nilson, which was designed for the application to (managed) Northern European Forests, to model the spectral response from the canopy. It is based on conventional forest inventory data, species-dependent parametrized crown shapes, canopy LAI, needle clumping index, and needle optical properties. Here, however, we run the model in an inverse mode, by iteratively minimizing the discrepancy between measured and simulated reflectances, and predicting the LAI, keeping known parameters of the model fixed. The LAI values are then compared to those obtained with either ground-based Licor LAI2000 measurements, or with airborne laser-scanning. Some preliminary results of this modelling concept for the case study are discussed.


The REMFOR project evaluates remote sensing data and methods for monitoring forest health using variation in leaf area index (LAI) as a primary measure of defoliation. A large-scale pine sawfly outbreak in Norway serves as a test case. An LAI map of the study area was derived from airborne LIDAR measurements before and after the insect attack to serve as ground truth for satellite image analysis. The method predicts LAI from laser penetration rates through the canopy layer in accordance with the Beer- Lambert law calibrated with point measurements of LAI with LICOR LAI-2000. Comparing two cloud-free SPOT scenes from September 2004 and September 2005 shows obvious visual patterns of defoliation in pine forests from the 2005 outbreak. Preliminary analysis shows that the insect defoliation caused an increase in middle-infrared (SPOT band4) reflectance and a decrease in SPOT NDVI, and both these responses may be used as a reasonable predictor of LAI loss as derived from laser scanning. MODIS NDVI data were gathered for the area over the period 2000-2006, and the Timesat algorithm is used to smooth the seasonal variation. The insect attack is evident from the smoothed NDVI data both as a reduction in the summer mean value, and as an alteration of the seasonal profile during the larvae feeding period in June and July. REMFOR also encompasses a range of other remote sensing data types, including GLAS LIDAR, SAR and hyperspectral data from both airborne and satellite platforms (e.g. Hyspex and Hyperion). Landsat TM is used to generate a tree species map.


River floods may cause considerable damage. Water management strategies intend tomoderate or mitigate the severe effects of extreme discharge events. In this context,techniques for the detection and attribution of changes is of crucial importance. Extremeflood events seem to occur more frequently in recent decades in central Europe.It is anticipated that climate change and weather regime shifts may contribute to this...


Characterizing ecosystem-atmosphere interactions in terms of carbon and water exchange on different time scales is considered a major challenge in terrestrial biogeochemical cycle research. The respective time series currently comprise an observation period of up to one decade. In this study, we explored whether the observation period is already sufficient to detect cross-relationships between the variables beyond the annual cycle, as they are expected from comparable studies in climatology. We investigated the potential of Singular System Analysis (SSA) to extract arbitrary kinds of oscillatory patterns. The method is completely data adaptive and performs an effective signal to noise separation. We found that most observations (Net Ecosystem Exchange, NEE, Gross Primary Productivity, GPP, Ecosystem Respiration, Reco, Vapor Pressure Deficit, VPD, Latent Heat, LE, Sensible Heat, H, Wind Speed, u, and Precipitation, P) were influenced significantly by low-frequency components (interannual variability). Furthermore, we extracted a set of nontrivial relationships and found clear seasonal hysteresis effects except for the interrelation of NEE with Global Radiation (Rg). SSA provides a new tool for the investigation of these phenomena explicitly on different time scales. Furthermore, we showed that SSA has great potential for eddy covariance data processing, since it can be applied as a novel gap filling approach relying on the temporal correlation structure of the time series structure only.


Ecological studies are often confronted with short and fragmented or unevenly sampled time series. Examples are, e.g., time series of biogeochemical fluxes measured on a variety of scales. Characterizing the observed time series patterns, particularly the correlation structure is crucial for an integrated ecosystem assessment or possibly for improved processes understanding.