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In terrestrial ecotoxicology there is a serious lack of data for potential hazards posed by engineered nanoparticles (ENPs). This is partly due to complex interactions between ENPs and the soil matrix, but also to the lack of suitable toxicological end points in organisms that are exposed to ENPs in a relevant manner. Earthworms are key organisms in terrestrial ecosystems, but so far only physiological end points of low sensitivity have been used in ecotoxicity studies with ENPs. We exposed the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris to silver nanoparticles and measured their impact on apoptosis in different tissues. Increased apoptotic activity was detected in a range of tissues both at acute and sublethal concentrations (down to 4 mg/kg soil). Comparing exposure in water and soil showed reduced bioavailability in soil reflected in the apoptotic response. Apoptosis appears to be a sensitive end point and potentially a powerful tool for quantifying environmental hazards of ENPs.

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Reduksjon i tap av næringsstoffer til miljøet er et viktig mål for økologisk landbruk. Et mål om kretsløp tilpasset lokale forhold med minst mulig import av gjødsel og fôr gjør det sannsynlig at overskuddet av næringsstoffer er mindre i et økologisk driftssystem sammenlignet med et konvensjonelt. Økologisk landbruk er en definert produksjonsmetode som det er fastsatt detaljerte krav til.