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UMB utarbeidet i 2007 en rapport for Follo Ren hvor man utredet mulighetene for behandling av organisk avfall fra Follo og Indre Østfold Renovasjon sammen med husdyrgjødsel fra UMB og nærliggende gårder i en biogassprosess. Det ble foreslått at matavfallet ble samlet inn sammen med restavfallet og sortert etter Ludvikametoden. Bioforsk ble bedt om å se på mulighetene for å benytte en forventet biorest fra denne prosessen til landbruksformål, og har på denne bakgrunn utarbeidet denne rapporten. Rapporten omhandler kun våte biogassprosesser, ikke tørre prosesser og vurderingen er gjort på grunnlag av kun et lite antall prøver. Tungmetallinnholdet i mellomproduktet rett etter Ludvikabehandlingen var lavt og holdt kvalitetsklasse 0 og I i henhold til gjødselvareforskriften, mens biogasspotensialet var høyt. En biogass-behandling av dette materialet vil imidlertid kunne øke konsentrasjonen av tungmetaller. På denne bakgrunn konkluderes det med at produktet man får etter behandling i Ludvikaprosessen vil kunne danne et egnet gjødselprodukt i en våt biogassprosess under forutsetning av at bioresten lar seg oppkonsentrere med hensyn til næringssalter mens konsentrasjonen av tungmetaller holdes innenfor gjødselvareforskriftens krav, og videre at innholdet av organiske miljøgifter er lavt. Det er også en forutsetning at man klarer å redusere innholdet av fremmedlegemer i den ferdige bioresten, noe FolloRen mener å kunne løse gjennom prosesstekniske forbedringer. Dersom man ikke oppkonsentrerer sluttproduktet med hensyn til næringssalter, vil det alternativt kunne benyttes som et jordforbedringsmiddel.Man bør være oppmerksom på at det foreligger en skepsis til sentralsortering av matavfall fra husholdningene som utgangspunkt for gjødsel og jordforbedringsmidler til matproduksjon, dersom matavfallet behandles sammen med det som oppfattes som restavfall. Dette kan skape betydelige utfordringer med hensyn til avsetning av restproduktene til landbruksformål, og det anbefales at det i denne sammenheng utføres en egen risikoanalyse. Dersom begrepet husholdningsavfall benyttes, bør forskjellen mellom hva som ligger i begrepet restavfall og husholdningsavfall avklares. En egen "dunk" for restavfall hos abonnentene vil kunne løse dette problemet.


The liquid fertilizers (1) Calcinit (Ca NO3)2)+ Superba, (2) Arena Crystal, (3) Flex, (4) Plant Marvel, (5) Sea Power and (6) Sea Power + Superba  were evaluated in two greenhouse experiments growing Agrostis stolonifera on columns filled with 30 cm USGA-spec. sand (ignition loss 1.4%, pH (H20) 5.6, CEC 2.7 meq/100 g dry soil) over 10 cm gravel. In expt. 1 the products were compared at weekly rates of 0.1 and 0.2 kg N/100m2 combined with two irrigation levels (1 x ET and 2x ET) during an 8 wk grow-in period; in expt. 2 as maintenance fertilizer to established turf at weekly rates of 0.05 and 0.1 kg N/100m2. Based on weekly determination of visual turfgrass quality and clipping yields, the ranking of fertilizers in the grow-in trial were Sea Power + Superba  > Sea Power > Plant Marvel = Flex > Arena Crystal > Calcinit + Superba.  Given as maintenance fertilizer, Plant Marvel and Arena Crystal gave higher visual quality and less invasion of moss than Sea Power, the other fertilizers producing results that were not significantly different. The results are discussed in relation to nitrogen form and the content of other nutrients in the various products.


Leddormene (Annelida) består av gruppene flerbørstemark (Polychatea), fåbørstemark (Oligiochatea), igler (Hirudinea) og krogbærende pølseormer (Echinura).


The report discusses strategies for the utilization of anaerobically treated poultry manure and slaughterhouse waste (ADR) from Lusakert Poultry Plant Production (LPPP) at Lusakert Biogas Plant (LBP), Kotayk Region, Armenia. ADR is currently an untapped resource of nutrients stored in lagoons, while at the same time representing a source of pollution for the Hsradan river. The project"s two goals were to 1) contribute to the reduction in waste disposed in lagoons from LBP and 2) increase recycling of organic wastes in Armenia. Both goals will contribute to sustainable resource management in Armenia. Anaerobically digested residue from LBP represents an untapped source of essential nutrients for crop production in Armenia. Plant nutrients in ADR are readily available. When ADR is used as fertilizer, crop yields similar to those achieved with the use of mineral fertilizers may be obtained. However, distribution of ADR from the biogas plant to the surrounding farms requires transport by tanker trucks, and the transport distances are longer than what is common for transport of liquid organic fertilizers in the Nordic countries. It is also necessary to develop an infrastructure for storing the ADR at the individual recipient or in greater common stock near the farms. An alternative is to store ADR in the lagoons of LBP and pump it on tanker trucks that run directly to the farmer"s fields, where it is spread immediately. However, this option can only be conducted during the growing season. Alternatively, the ADR can be used to produce solid organic fertilizer and soil conditioner, which would facilitate transportation and storage. This can be done by 1) aerobic composting, 2) vermi-composting and 3) concentrating nutrients in ADR to a solid that can be separated from the liquid. All these strategies can produce a valuable fertilizer, but the market for such products needs to be developed in Armenia. ADR or composted ADR can contain contaminants with health and environmental risks, depending on the origin of the raw material used. If mushroom waste is used as a substrate for the composting of ADR, the heavy metal content of the final compost is not expected to be much lower than in ADR because mushroom waste of interest is based on chicken manure. By using straw or other suitable plant material as a substrate, it is likely that the heavy metal content is reduced. The concentrations of organic pollutants in composted ADR from LBP are expected to be low, due to expected low concentrations of organic contaminants in poultry manure and slaughterhouse waste. It is also assumed that veterinary pharmaceuticals do not pose a risk through the use of ADR or composted ADR. There is a risk that pathogenic bacteria are found in the ADR and composted ADR, but these bacteria are not in their natural environment, and it is unknown whether pathogen contamination is a real risk to the public by the use of ADR in agriculture. Armenia has an Agriculture Support Republican Center, which heads the Agriculture Support Regional Centers. The regional centers provide counseling to farmers in Armenia. The Agriculture Support Centers should be strengthened and further developed as a strategy for optimal use of ADR in Armenian agriculture. Collaboration between the biogas plants, farmers, farmer organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government organizations and scientific institutions should be developed with the common goal of helping to develop good management practices for optimum utilization of ADR as organic fertilizer in Armenia.


Freezing tolerance is a major component of winter hardiness of perennial grasses. Velvet bentgrass showed the same freezing tolerance as creeping bentgrass. Acclimation at temperatures above 0 ºC was associated with accumulation of nonstructural carbohydrates and enhanced plant survival after freezing. Acclimation at 2 ºC for 4 wk was more effective than for 2 wk and resulted in higher concentrations of fructans. Additional subzero acclimation at -2 ºC resulted in a reduction in fructans and higher concentration of reducing sugars; however, there was no additional improvement in freezing tolerance.  Protein analysis was performed using 2-D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nineteen protein spots were responsive to acclimation. Thirteen proteins were identified. Identified proteins belonged to metabolism, energy, disease/defence, and secondary metabolism functional groups.


Cold acclimation plays a decisive role in turfgrass winter survival. This study was performed in collaboration with Rutgers University and University of Massachusetts (USA) to examine changes in carbohydrate levels in crown tissues during the first and second phases of cold acclimation in velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina L.) and creeping bentgrass (A. stolonifera L.), and their association with freezing tolerance.. Four treatments representing different phases of cold acclimation were compared: (i) nonacclimated plants maintained at 18 °C/12 °C (day/night); (ii) plants acclimated at 2 °C for 2 wk  and 250 μmol m-2 s-1 for 12 h photoperiod ; (iii) as treatment (ii) but for 4 wk; and (iv) as treatment (iii) plus additional sub-zero acclimation in the dark at -2 °C for 2 wk. Velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass showed no difference in lethal temperatures for 50% of the test population (LT50) as estimated by whole plant survival. Acclimation at 2 °C for 2 and 4 weeks resulted in accumulation of sucrose and fructans, and significantly lowered LT50 as compared with nonacclimated plants.  Subzero acclimation resulted in less fructans, no difference in sucrose, and higher concentration of reducing sugars, but LT50 was not lower than after  acclimation at 2 °C for 4 weeks.