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Phytoestrogens are hormone-like substances in plants that can substantially influence human health (positively or negatively), and when fed to dairy cows are transferred to their milk. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of varying the botanical composition and regrowth interval of legume-grass silage on silage and phytoestrogen intake and milk phytoestrogen concentrations. In one experiment, 15 Swedish Red dairy cows were fed two- or three-cut red clover-grass silage (designated R2 and R3, respectively), or two-cut birdsfoot trefoil-grass silage (B2). In a second experiment, 16 Norwegian Red dairy cows were fed short-term ley silage with red clover (S3) or long-term ley silage with white clover (L3), and the effects of supplementation with α-tocopherol were also tested. There were high concentrations of formononetin and biochanin A in all silage mixtures with red clover (R2, R3, and S3). The milk concentration of equol was highest on diet R2 (1,494 μg/kg milk). Due to metabolism of biochanin A, genistein and prunetin, their concentrations in milk and the apparent recovery were low. Coumestrol was only detected in silage mixtures S3 and L3, and its milk concentration was low. Concentrations of secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol were higher in silage mixtures B2 and L3, those with legume species other than red clover and the highest grass proportions. B2 also resulted in higher enterolactone concentration than the other diets (226 μg/kg milk). Lengthening the regrowth interval increased the intake of secoisolariciresinol and decreased recovery of lignans. Feeding long-term ley silage resulted in higher lignan milk concentrations, but lower isoflavone milk concentrations than feeding short-term ley silage. The apparent recovery of all phytoestrogens except prunetin was highest on B2, indicating that condensed tannins (present in the birdsfoot trefoil) affect rumen metabolism. There was no effect of α-tocopherol supplementation on milk concentrations of any of the measured phytoestrogens. There were variations in milk concentrations of phytoestrogens, especially of equol, among cows, which could not be explained by variations in diet composition or phytoestrogen intake. The results show that milk phytoestrogen concentration is strongly influenced by silage botanical composition and management, but questions regarding phytoestrogen metabolism remain to be answered.


Den Nord-Atlantiske Oscillasjonen (NAO) påvirker klimaet på store deler av den nordlige halvkule. Formålet med denne studien var å bestemme NAOs innvirkning på risikoen for frostskader i høsthvete. Modellsimuleringer ble utført for totalt 53 vintersesonger fra 1957/58 til 2009/10. Resultatene viser at det var større risiko for frostskader under negative NAO-faser enn under positive og nøytrale faser.


Climate and weather variability affect agricultural crop production. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the variation in air pressure difference in the northern Atlantic Ocean. A positive NAO index with higher than normal air pressure near the Azores and lower than normal near Iceland results in warm and wet winters in northwestern Europe. A negative NAO index gives opposite climatic effects in this region. We determined the effect of the NAO on the risk of frost injury in winter wheat for conditions that represent northwestern Europe by applying the FROSTOL model to dynamically simulate hardening, de-hardening and other physiological processes determining frost tolerance and frost injury in winter wheat. This model uses soil surface temperature and snow cover as driving variables. In total, 53 winter seasons from 1957-58 to 2009-10 were simulated to account for historical trends and variations in the NAO. Monthly and seasonal mean NAO indices for all years within this period were categorised into positive, neutral or negative phases. The winter wheat simulations included 3 locations in Norway (Apelsvoll, ås and Kvithamar), 2 wheat frost tolerance types and 3 planting dates. The results showed that negative NAO phases, especially in February and March, increased the risk of frost injury in winter wheat. The risk of frost injury was higher at Apelsvoll and ås than at Kvithamar, especially in negative NAO phases or after early planting. The results obtained can be used to design crop management practices and systems with higher production security.


The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of grazing on different pasture types and hay feeding on dairy goat milk fatty acid (FA) composition in early and late grazing season. Eighty goats were grouped according to genotype and lactation, and randomly divided into two groups (Early and Late) with approximately 8 weeks difference in mating and kidding dates. Goats within each of the two groups were further allocated to four forage treatment groups: R, forest rangeland pasture; C, cultivated pasture; HH, high quality hay; HL, low quality hay. The goats in Early were subjected to forage treatments in early grazing season, while the goats in Late received the forage treatments 8 weeks later. The most abundant FAs were C16:0 and C18:1c9 followed by C14:0 and C18:0. The milk proportion of the short and medium chained fatty acids (C6:0-C14:0) and C16:0 was higher (P < 0.0001) in Late than in Early grazing season, whilst the proportion of long chained FAs (C18:0, C18:1c9, C18:1t11, C18:2c9, 12, C18:2c9t11 and C18:3c9, 12, 15) were lower (P < 0.001). Goats grazing R yielded less milk (1.5 vs. 2.0 kg/d, P < 0.001) but with higher milk fat content (46 vs. 37 g/kg, P < 0.001) than C. The milk from goats on R had lower (P < 0.01) proportion of medium chained FAs (C10:0-C14:0) and C18:2c9, t11 but higher (P < 0.05) proportion of C18:0, C18:2c9,12 and C20:0 than C. Grazing compared to hay gave milk with lower proportion of medium chained FAs (C12:0-C14:0) and C16:0 but higher proportion of the long chained FAs C18:0, C18:1t11, C18:3c9, 12, C18:2c9, t11, C18:3c9, 12, 15, C20:0 than hay feeding. Higher supply of energy may explain higher proportion of de novo synthesised low and medium chained FA and lower proportion of long chained FA on C than on R, whilst higher supply of FA from mobilized fat may explain higher milk proportion of long chain FA in Early than in late season. Moreover, goats on pasture had likely higher supply of FA from dietary fat, which explain higher milk proportion of the long chained FA than on hay.


The objective was to examine the effect of pasture type, and of grazing compared with hay feeding, on milk production and quality from dairy goats in early and late grazing season. Eighty goats were grouped according to genotype and lactation, and randomly divided into two groups with approximately 8 weeks difference in kidding date and start of feeding experiment, in Early and Late grazing season. At the start of the feeding experiment the goats were divided into 4 forage-treatment groups: R,forest rangeland pasture; C, cultivated pasture; HH, high quality hay; HL, low quality hay. Group R yielded less milk (1.5 vs. 2.0 kg d–1) and lower milk protein content (32 vs. 33 g kg–1), but higher milk fat (46 vs. 37 g kg–1) and DM content (120 vs. 113 g kg–1) than group C. Free fatty acids (FFA) content in milk was not affected by pasture type. The effects of pasture type on milk yield and milk constituents were similar in early and late grazing season. Grazing resulted in similar milk yield but higher milk fat (42 vs. 34 g kg–1), protein (32 vs. 30 g kg–1) and DM (117 vs. 106 g kg–1) content, and lower content of FFA (0.22 vs. 0.34 mEq L–1) than hay feeding


In winter fed organic raised sheep inadequate plasma vitamin E levels is common and therefore supplementation is recommended. The objective of the present work was to test the supplementation of natural vitamin E and seaweed meal on the immune status of ewes and their offspring. Forty Norwegian White Sheep ewes were randomly allocated to three supplementation treatments: natural vitamin E, synthetic vitamin E, seaweed meal, and control. The feeding experiment lasted the entire indoor feeding period. Ewes and newborn lambs were vaccinated against different environmental microorganisms and pathogens. Different immunological parameters were measured. Supplementing the ewes with natural vitamin E had positive effect on immunity against Mycobacterium bovis in lambs. Seaweed, on the other hand, had negative effect on the passive transfer of maternal antibodies in lambs the first week after birth. The adaptive immunity was not affected by seaweed supplementation.


Geitene på utmark på Gibostad i Troms spiste en variert diett med mye halvgras, gras, busker og trær, både tidlig og seint i beiteperioden. På innmarksbeite tok geitene opp mest timotei tidlig i beitesesongen, mens engsvingel og kveke var hoveddiett seint i august. Valget av beiteplanter reflekterte både det som til enhver tid var tilgjengelig, men også næringsverdien til beiteplantene.


Norwegian goat milk production is based on summer grazing on diverse forest or alpine rangeland, and the quality of these pastures is important for milk quantity and quality. We used n-alkanes and long chained alcohols found in plant wax as markers to estimate diet composition in goats grazing on a heterogeneous rangeland during two periods in summer; early (beginning of July) and late (end of August). The goats were fitted with GPS collars that recorded their position. Preliminary results show a diverse diet, where ferns, sedges, blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillis) and birch were preferred in early summer. In late summer the diet was particularly diverse, coinciding with a general decline in plant quality.


Geiter på utmark produserte mindre mjølk med lavere innhold av protein enn geit på innmarksbeite, men utmarksbeite gav ellers ikke redusert mjølkekvalitet. Beite gav mjølk med høyere innhold av fett, protein og tørrstoff, og lavere innhold av urea og frie fettsyrer sammenligna med høyfôring. Utmarksbeite fører ikke nødvendigvis til mjølk med høyt innhold av frie fettsyrer eller til økt innhold av frie fettsyrer utover i beitesesongen.