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LegacyNet is a voluntary network of 32 international sites, established to investigate the yield benefits of multispecies grassland leys and their legacy effects on a follow-on crop. Relatively few experiments have investigated the impact of manipulating species diversity in grassland leys within crop rotations, and fewer still have accounted for variability across environments and soil types. A common experiment is being conducted at all 32 LegacyNet sites, with 52 grassland plots of systematically varied combinations of six forage species from three functional groups (two grasses, two legumes and two herbs) being sown at each site. The plots are measured and harvested for a period of at least 18 months. After this time, grassland plots are terminated, and a follow-on crop established on each plot (retaining the same plot structure). Measurements taken during the grassland and follow-on crop stages include dry matter yield, forage quality, botanical composition, and legacy effects. In this paper, we introduce the LegacyNet international experiment, its design, and overall aims and objectives.

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Despite newly approved lucerne cultivars, this has not led to increased use of this legume in high-latitude agriculture. Challenges with inoculation by Rhizobium meliloti have been identified as a bottleneck to adaptation. Here we tested inoculation sources (ISs) with soil types and cultivars in pot and field experiments. During a one-year outdoor pot experiment, we tested the impact of IS (wet peat slurry and Nitragin Gold dry inoculation) and three soil types (sand, sandy silt and /peat soil) on nodule development, shoot and root growth and winter survival of one hybrid lucerne cultivar (‘Ludvig’). The pot experiment revealed that dry inoculation led to significant better plant growth, flower and nodule development as well as plant regrowth after winter survival. Peat soil appeared as the best growth medium and silty soil limited inoculation efficiencies. In field trials at two locations differing in soil characteristics using similar ISs, and three hybrid lucerne cultivars (‘Lavo’, ‘Live’ and ‘Lotte’) biomass yield during two ley years showed site as well as cultivar differences. Such environmental interactions in the field trials justify the use of adapted cultivars, and dry inoculation should be recommended for practical use replacing peat slurry inoculation.