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Near-shore areas face multiple stressors, effects of climate change, coastal construction and contamination. Although capping the seabed in these areas with mineral masses can reduce the impact of legacy contaminants in sediment, it can also result in the loss of flora and sessile fauna, both of which are vital components of near-shore ecosystems. Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is essential to marine near-shore areas as it supports biodiversity and mitigates the effects of climate change. Therefore, it would be beneficial to modify the top layer of caps to facilitate the reestablishment of these ecosystems when capping near-shore areas. This study describes results from an in situ, six-month field experiment conducted to compare increase in leaf length over the growing season and survival of eelgrass transplanted in two commercially available substrates (Natural sand and Crushed stone) and indigenous sediment (i.e., indigenous control sediment) in a capping project in Horten Inner harbour, Norway. Similar leaf length increase was found in Natural sand and Indigenous control sediment, both significantly higher compared to Crushed stone substrate. Survival was highest in our case in the Indigenous control sediment (120 %), with no significant difference between Crushed stone (20 %) and Natural sand substrates (25 %). These findings emphasize the importance of selecting appropriate substrate for successful seagrass restoration.

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Over three years, motivations of participants in a neighbourhood garden seemed to reflect the development of the garden from the start-up phase, through consolidation, until a state where further existence requires transitions in responsibility and funding.


En stor andel av jordbruksarealet i Norge ligger nær byer og tettsteder. Nær 83 % av befolkningen bor i tettsteder, og denne andelen øker årlig. Fra dette perspektivet kan nærheten være positiv, om man tenker på avstand fra jord til bord. Men har jordbruksarealenes nærhet til tettsteder også betydning i forhold til om disse arealene er i drift eller ikke?


I 2021 var det cirka 122 000 landbrukseiendommer i Norge som hadde mer enn 10 dekar maskinelt høstbart jordbruksareal. De fleste av disse, nesten hundre tusen, hadde så og si alt jordbruksareal i drift. Det betyr imidlertid også at mer enn 20 000 landbrukseiendommer har noe eller mesteparten av eiendommens jordbruksareal tilsynelatende ute av drift. Vi har delt landbrukseiendommer inn i fire grupper basert på mengde areal som kan være ute av drift, og vurdert om det er forskjell mellom gruppene med tanke på størrelse og fordeling av jordstykker.


The aim of the article is to assess whether agricultural landscapes play a role in the perception of Norway held by tourists and residents. An additional aim is to analyse whether information accompanying images on social media indicate that the photographers have acknowledged the agricultural landscape. The authors used geotagged images uploaded to the image-sharing platform Flickr in their analyses. They selected photos from within the agricultural landscapes, inspected them, and categorized them according to extent and content. Additionally, they analysed the accompanying hashtags. The findings revealed that a large proportion of the photos contained agricultural landscapes, and thus confirmed the importance of the agricultural landscape for visual perception of and access to Norwegian landscapes. In addition, the lack of agricultural-related hashtags strengthened the authors’ suspicions that this might not have been widely recognized by the photographers. Thus, while agricultural landscapes commonly are considered primarily as landscapes of food production, the authors conclude that these landscapes also fulfil other functions and that their contribution to the perception of Norway is important. Additionally, many of the landscape elements seen and analysed in the sample of photos are elements that play a role in providing cultural ecosystem services.


Det er velkjent innen økologi at det er en sammenheng mellom variasjon i landskapet og det biologiske mangfoldet. Det er heller ingen hemmelighet at terreng er avgjørende for den geografiske fordelingen av ulike jordbruksproduksjoner i landskapet. Vi vet imidlertid lite om hvordan terreng påvirker variasjonen av landbrukets genressurser i form av arter, sorter og raser. Er det for eksempel slik at landskap med større variasjon i terreng er rikere på genressurser enn landskap med mindre variasjon i terreng?