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Smak og ulike kvalitetsdimensjoner hos grønnsaker påvirkes av flere abiotiske vekstfaktorer som lys og temperatur. Disse vekstbetingelsene er særegne i nord på grunn av forholdsvis lave dyrkningstemperaturer og lange dager. I dette prosjektet sees det nærmere på ulike helsegode innholdsstoffer i tillegg til smak i brokkoli for å dokumentere den nordlige kvaliteten.


At present the development of a modern life-stile in the Barents region has become not only a medical, but a social and economic problem as well. To prevent organism from unfavorable factors of the North and life-stile diseases much attention is paid now to the application of adaptogenic plants. "Herbs in the Barents region - a natural resource that improves health and creates business" is a title of the joint project of Norwegian, Finnish and Russian scientists on the adaptogenic plants. The project main goal is to create job opportunities in the Barents region based on the natural resources of adaptogenic herbs. This shall be done by the development of cultivation techniques for the adaptogenic pants Rhodiola rosea, Rhaponticum carthamolides and Serratula coronata. The industry will develop new herb products that will improve health conditions in the region. In order to promote adaptogenic products made from local plant raw material we have investigated the effect of the climate and geographical location on the level of active substances. Gene banks of plant species studied are established in all countries-participants. Experiments conducted in phytotrone showed that all three plant species like long days (northern conditions) and the levels of adaptogen"s substances are highest at the low and intermediate temperatures. Cultivation techniques are developed. To ensure the best quality of the raw material the methods of harvesting, drying and storing of plants are optimized.  New methods for extraction from fresh raw material of R. rosea are developed. Fields at growers are established. The project was financing by Interreg IIIA, Norwegian Barents Secretary and agricultural offices of the counties Troms and Finnmark.


Målet med gjødslinga i potet er å oppnå et høyt avlingsnivå og riktig kvalitet til potetene. Gjødselpraksisen må være til minst mulig belastning på miljøet. Dette må ikke gå på bekostning av kvalitetskravene de ulike produksjoner har. En nøye gjennomtenkt gjødselplan er det beste verktøyet for å oppnå dette.

Til dokument


Six clones of Rhodiola rosea, obtained from plants originating from widely different areas in Norway, were investigated for their in vitro inhibitory potential on CYP3A4-mediated metabolism and P-gp efflux transport activity. Presumed active constituents in the ethanol extracts of the different clones were quantified. C-DNA baculovirus expressed CYP3A4 and Caco-2 cells were used for inhibitory assays, and as positive control inhibitors ketoconazole and verapamilwere applied, respectively. A validated HPLC methodology was used to quantify the formation of 6-β-OH-testosterone and scintillation counting was used to quantify the transport of 3H-digoxin in Caco-2 cells. All clones showed potent inhibition of CYP3A4 and P-gp activities, with IC50 values ranging from 1.7 to 3.1 μg/mL and from 16.7 to 51.7 μg/ mL, respectively, being below that reported for other herbs and some known classic drug inhibitors, such as St. John’s wort and fluoxetine. Rhodiola rosea might thus be a candidate for clinically relevant drug interactions. The concentration of presumed biologically active constituents in the different clones varied considerably, but this variationwas not related to the clones’ inhibitory potential on CYP3A4 or P-gp activities. Other constituents might thus be responsible for the observed inhibitory properties. The place of origin seemed to be of minor importance for CYP3A4 or P-gp inhibition.


At bregnen strutseving er spiselig er ikke så godt kjent. At den også er en svært næringsrik plante burde få flere til å bruke den. Strutseving er en godt synlig bregne i den norske natur. Den kan bli rundt 2 m høy og vokser ofte i store grupper. Den forekommer i lavlandet i det meste av Norge, men er mindre vanlig i ytre Agder, Rogaland og Finmark (Lid og Lid 1994). For øvrig forekommer den sirkumboreal i et belte rundt den nordlige halvkulen gjennom Europa, Asia og Nordamerika. Det latinske navn er Matteúccia struthiópteris (L.) Tod. På norsk kjennes planten bl.a. under navnet strutseving eller bispestav, og på engelsk Ostrich fern og "fiddleheads". Strutseving og Ostrich fern kommer fra det latinske struthiópteris og refererer til formen på de utvokste bladene, mens navnet bispestav og det engelske fiddelheads viser til formen på de spiselige nye skudd. http://www.skogoglandskap.no/Artsbeskrivelser/strutseving