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A checklist of naturally occurring microbes and nematodes that are pathogenic to insects and mites in Norway is presented. All records are listed by pathogen group (fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes). Each record is listed with reference to the original author, and subsequent references have been included. The checklist should be updated periodically to assist researchers and policy makers within the field of entomology and crop protection.


Studies were conducted to investigate potential interactions between brassicaceous plants, the isothiocyanates they produce and insect pathogenic fungi. Studies in vitro showed that 100 ppm of 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate completely inhibited growth of Metarhizium anisopliae and Tolypocladium cylindrosporum. T. cylindrosporum was significantly inhibited by 10 ppm 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate, but not by 1 ppm. M. anisopliae was not inhibited by 10 or 1 ppm 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate. The effect of freshly grated rutabaga on virulence of M. anisopliae to Galleria mellonella larvae was also tested, resulting in reduced infection by M. anisopliae. To study the effect of plants in the Brassicaceae under more field-like conditions fungi were added to soil without plants or at the bases of two different plant species, Barbarea vulgaris and Eruca vesicaria sativa. Soil was sampled at 5, 10 and 15 days to determine the concentration of colony forming units (CFUs). Treatments with plants did not have fewer CFUs than the control. Instead significantly fewer CFUs resulted when M. anisopliae was added to pots with soil only than to pots with plants. There were no significant differences between the two plant species in the number of CFUs at day 5. For days 10 and 15, however, significantly more M. anisopliae CFUs were found in pots containing E. vesicaria sativa than B. vulgaris. T. cylindrosporum was less affected by the different treatments than M. anisopliae. Our studies demonstrated that while isothiocyanates can inhibit insect pathogenic fungi in Petri dishes, when using a more realistic fungus/plant/soil microcosm no fungal inhibition was found.


A method for baiting soil samples with Delia floralis larvae was developed, and a systematic survey was conducted on soils from northern Norway for insect pathogenic fungi, using D. floralis and Galleria mellonella larvae as bait. The occurrence of insect pathogenic fungi in soils from arable fields and adjacent field margins of conventionally and organically managed farms was compared. The study showed a significantly higher occurrence of insect pathogenic fungi in soils from arable fields of organically managed farms. No significant differences in the occurrence of insect pathogenic fungi were, however, found between the field margins of the two cropping systems. Fungal species identified in the study were Beauveria bassiana, Fusarium merismoides, Metarhizium anisopliae and Tolypocladium cylindrosporum. T. cylindrosporum was found more frequently when using D. floralis as the bait insect than when using G. mellonella.


Både insektpatogene sopper og parasitoider er viktige for reguleringen av skadedyr i økologisk og integrert fruktproduksjon. To studier ble gjennomført for å klargjøre biologien til dette komplekset av naturlige fiender og for å undersøke mulighetene for å bruke insektpatogen sopp i biologisk kontroll av kirsebærbladlusa (Myzus cerasi). Foreløpige resultater presenteres i denne artikkelen. I den første undersøkelsen ble forekomsten og viktigheten av insektpatogene sopper og parasitoider som naturlige fiender til M. cerasi undersøk gjennom to påfølgende sesonger. Foreløpige resultater viser at tidlig i sesongen er det først og fremst parasitoider som blir funnet i døde bladlus. Noen få individer infisert med sopp fra klasse Hyphomycetes (Verticillium lecanii) ble også funnet i denne delen av sesongen. Fra midten av juli ble sopp fra orden Entomophthorales (Entomphthora planchoniana, Erynia neoaphidis and Conidiobolus obscurus) funnet i døde bladlus. Antall bladlus drept av sopp ser ut til å øke mot slutten av juli. I studie nummer to ble effekten av soppmidler or dekking mot regn på insektpatogene sopp og tettheten av M. cerasi undersøkt. Foreløpige resultater fra dette studiet indikerer at søtkirsebærtrær som ikke dekkes og som ikke behandles med soppmidler muligens gir et brattere fall i M. cerasi tettheten mot slutten av sesongen. Effekten av soppmidler og dekking mot regn på M. cerasi drept av insektpatogene sopper har ikke blitt evaluert enda.


The susceptibility of Delia floralis eggs, neonates and larvae and the susceptibility of Galleria mellonella and Mamestra brassicae larvae to seven different Norwegian isolates of the insect pathogenic, hyphomycetous fungi Tolypocladium cylindrosporum, Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana, were investigated. Metarhizium anisopliae isolate ARSEF 5520 was highly virulent to G. mellonella larvae and caused 100% mortality when tested at a concentration of 3.6x106 conidia/ml. The same M. anisopliae isolate was not virulent to D. floralis larvae. Isolates of T. cylindrosporum, were equally virulent to G. mellonella and D. floralis causing up to 36.0% mortality of larvae. It is suspected, however, that the use of grated rutabaga as a food source in the D. floralis bioassay reduced the fungal virulence of both M. anisopliae and T. cylindrosporum to D. floralis. Among three T. cylindrosporum isolates tested at a concentration of 1.0x107 against eggs of D. floralis none of them reduced the hatching percentage. One isolate, ARSEF 5525 did, however, significantly reduce the longevity of neonates. Beauveria bassiana isolates ARSEF 5510 and ARSEF 5370 tested at a concentration of 1.0x107resulted in M. brassicae mortality levels of 70.0 and 55.0% respectively. The B. bassiana isolate ARSEF 5557, however, was not virulent to M. brassicae. Among the three isolates tested against M. brassicae the two virulent isolates produced a red pigment, probably oosporein, when cultured in Sabouraud dextrose agar.


Her presenteres resultater fra undersøkelser eller oversikter over pågående prosjekter innen plantevern. Rapportene er skrevt avvietnamesiske forskere, de fleste fra Hanoi Agricultural University, eller av norske forskere fra Planteforsk Plantevernet. Workshopen ble arrangert som en del av det prosjektet Planteforsk Plantevernet har innen integret plantevern på grønnsaker i Vietnam.


Diagnostic characters of the second-stage larvae of Oxythrips bicolor and Oxythrips ajugae are shown. The larva of the former has not been described prviously.