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Strawberry production in high plastic tunnels is becoming popular for the advantages of extended production and reduced disease problems. However, this production system creates favorable conditions for several pests, including the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and for some diseases, of which powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) is the most important. Preliminary laboratory experiments were conducted to study: (1) the preference of T. urticae to mildew infected vs. healthy strawberry leaves, and (2) the impact of powdery mildew on T. urticae egg production and predation of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. Five days after the mite release, the total number of T. urticae eggs and nymphs found on healthy leaf discs were two times higher than on leaf discs with powdery mildew, predatory mites or both. In the preference experiment, a significant number of T. urticae moved to healthy strawberry leaf discs and settled there for the whole period of the experiment. The results indicated that T. urticae did not thrive on strawberry leaves heavily infested with powdery mildew, and that powdery mildew seemed to reduce the predation efficiency of P. persimilis. Therefore, it may be economical and efficient to control powdery mildew before releasing P. persimilis to control the spider mites.  

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Frøavl av stedegne planter til restaurering etter inngrep i fjellet kan bli en viktig nisjeproduksjon for norske frøavlere. Mål med prosjekt FJELLFRØ er (1) å samle inn mormateriale, (2) å oppformere dette materialet, (3) å utføre frøavlsforsøk, og (4) å anlegge demonstasjonsfelter med utprøving av stedegent plantemateriale i utvalgte anleggsområder i fjellet. Prosjektet eies av Telemark frøavlerlag (hovedeier), Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektorat (NVE), Statkraft Energi AS, Forsvarsbygg og Felleskjøpet Agri. Innovasjon Norge, Innovasjon Telemark, NVE og Statkraft Energi AS finansierer prosjektet gjennom kontantbidrag, og samtlige prosjekteiere gjennom egeninnsats. Opprinnelig var prosjektperioden fra og med 2007 til og med 2010, men Styringsgruppa for prosjektet vedtok 20.april 2010 å forlenge prosjektperioden til 31.desember 2011. Til å utføre det faglige arbeidet i prosjektet har Styringsgruppa engasjert Bioforsk og Norsk Landbruksrådgivning Østafjells. Foreliggende rapport gir en oversikt over oppformering, forsøk og demonstasjonsfelt i 2010 og trekker opp videre planer for siste prosjektår 2011.

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The Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, is one of the major forest insect pests in Europe, capable of mass-attacking and killing mature Norway spruce trees. The initiation and development of a new generation are strongly controlled by temperature and a warmer climate may affect the number of generations that is produced per year and hence the outbreak dynamics. Experimental knowledge regarding reproductive diapause adaptations is, however, too sparse for largescale assessments of future trends. We developed a model description of diapause induction, and used gridded observational temperature data to evaluate multiple combinations of day length and temperature thresholds to find the model parameterisation most coherent with I. typographus monitoring data from Scandinavia. The selected model parameterisation is supported by European literature data, though further experimental studies are required to analyse population specific adaptations and capacity for adjustments to changing climate conditions. Implementing the model description of reproductive diapause in a temperature driven model of bark beetle phenology (swarming activity and development from egg to mature bark beetle), enabled us to assess the length of the late summer swarming period that is a critical determinant of the risk of forest damage. By using regional climate model data we show that higher temperatures can result in increased frequency and length of late summer swarming events, producing a second generation in southern Scandinavia and a third generation in lowland parts of central Europe. Reproductive diapause will not prevent the occurrence of an additional generation per year, but the day length cues may restrict the length of the late summer swarming period.