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The relationships between temperature and growth and between growth and and carbon exchange rates are reviewed and evaluated, and supplied with experimental evidence from field and greenhouse studies on birch provenances. Adaptations to changing temperature and photoperiod are shown on birch from different altitudes and latitudes in Scandinavia.


Rapporten bygger på jord- og nåleanalyser fra 12 grantrær med gul kronefarge og 12 grantrær med grønn kronefarge. Det var en klar sammenheng mellom kronefarge, næringsinnhold i nålene og tilvekst. De gule trærne hadde lave konsentrasjoner av N, K, Ca, Mg og Zn i nålene. Konsentrasjonen av N og/eller K var under symptomgrensen. Det er ikke funnet noen sammenheng mellom næringsinnhold i nålene og næringsinnhold i jorda. De gule trærne hadde vokst betydelig dårligere enn de grønne de siste 10 år. Det var ingen sammenheng mellom gulfarging og råte i trærne. Gulfargen kan skyldes tørke, samt en svekket rotfunksjon hos de gule trærne.


Antall grantrær med gulfarget bar økte sterkt på de fylkesvise lokale overvåkingsflatene i Sørøst-Norge fra 1990 til 1992. Denne rapporten understøtter hypotesen om at sommertørke i 1991 og -92 var viktigste utløsende årsak. Det er funnet en sammenheng mellom nedbørunderskudd for månedene mai, juni og juli, og antall gule grantrær på flatene. Tørken synes å ha forårsaket gulningen hovedsakelig ved å utløse en unormalt sterk avdøing av nåler og enkeltgreiner i indre og nedre del av krona. Gulfargen opptrådte på de døende nålene tidlig på høsten, samtidig som vitalitetsregistreringene ble utført. Det knytter seg noe usikkerhet til andre symptomer, deriblant næringsmangel, men deres betydning synes å være begrenset. Antall gule grantrær økte mest på tørkeutsatte lokaliteter. Tørke kan være en sentral årsaksfaktor til både gulfarging og kroneutglisning hos gran.


Root dieback disease of Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings is a serious problem in Scandinavian forest nurseries. We have chosen spruce seedlings infected with one of the most pathogenic fungi associated with this disease, Pyrhium sp., as an experimental system to study the interaction between root ceUs and fungi. In this experimental system the infection is efficient, resulting in root necrose within 1-2 days, growth retardation and complete wilting within 10 days. Anatomical studies of the infected roots revealed that within 4 days ceU waUs around the inner cortex ceUs were thicker compared to non-infected cells. Staining with methyl red indicated that deposition of lignin or lignin like substances were associated with this thickening of the ceU walls. Neither pectin nor suberin appeared to be deposited in these ceU walls since staining with rhutenium red and Sudan IV were negative.Already1 day after infection several pathogenesis related (PR) proteins with both basic and acidic pIs appeared. Three days after infection the number and amount of PRproteins increased considerably. On the fourth day the num ber of induced proteins were more then 40. The number and also the amount of these proteins remained stable after this day. Two acidic chitinases were present in non-infected roots. Already the first day after infection both of these were strongly induced and were accompanied by four other acidic and two basic chitinases. At day two the activity of the chitinases already mentioned increased and they were accompanied by two chitinases with a more neutral pl. On the third day after infection the chitinase activities stabilized on a steady level This steady state level was maintained to the 10th day. Also 6-1 ,3-glucanases were induced by the infection with Pyrhium sp. While no 6-1 glucanase activity was detected in non-infected roots, one acidic 6-1,3-glucanase was detected the first day after infection. On the second day after infection an additional acidic 6-1,3-glucanase was detected. The number and amount of B-l,3-glucanases, like the chitinases, stabilized on the level of the third day and was maintained unril day 10. These results show that Norway spruce, a gymnosperm, has a response to pathogen infection with many similarities to the angiosperms. They also show that roots respond to the infection in a way similar to the aerial parts.