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Planteforsk har de siste årene engasjert seg i forsøks- og utviklingsarbeidet innen juletreproduksjonen, og har blant annet startet tre delprosjekter med støtte fra Statens landbruksbank og Skogtiltaksfondet.  1) Ugraskontroll på dyrka mark. 2) Gjødsling (bl.a. stigende mengder fullgjødsel til ulike tider gjennom vekstsesongen) 3) Hvordan trekvaliten kan forbedres de siste åra før høsting


Harvesting christmas trees from regenerations in cutting class II - young growth stands - has been practiced for a long time. It is often the forest owner himself who performs the cutting, transportation of the trees to the market place, and the actual marketing. In some cases the forest owner sells the trees to a wholesale or a market dealer. The new aspect of the production model described in the this report - the Birkenes model - is that the trees in advance are selected and marked by competent persons. Information is then given to the wholesale dealer on the number of trees that has been marked at each site, and the dealer reports on the number of trees he wants to buy. The forest owner cuts the relevant number of trees and transports them to the roadside. The trees are controlled by the dealer when loading. Some trees may be discarded, but usually not many. The scope of the present study is to look into the profitability of cutting christmas trees in cutting class II by: Estimating possible reductions in the expectation value when trees are removed from a regeneration. Record time consumption and costs, and calculate net values connected with harvesting christmas trees by various methods and under various conditions. Look into the profitability of establishing more dense plantations for later removal of surplus plants as christmas trees. The field work consists of two parts, surveying of fields for christmas tree harvesting, and recording of the labour used for cutting and transporting the trees to the roadside. The factors affecting the expectation value are the number of trees left after harvesting, and effects on age and quality. The recordings and calculations show that it is primarily the reduction of the number of trees left in the regeneration that affects the expectation value negatively. The costs of manual labour are assumed to be NOK 2 per minute and the costs of machines NOK 3 per minute. The cost connected to marking and delivery of the christmas trees are set to NOK 7 per tree. A rate of interest of 2.5 percent is applied in the expectation value calculations. The sales price per tree to the dealer is set to NOK 45 per tree. The cost of harvesting as well as net price are estimated per tree. The cost of hauling the trees manually depends strongly on the person doing the job, and on hauling distance. If tractor transport is applied, the hauling distance can be considerably increased. Net price per tree increases with increasing number of trees before harvesting and for lower site classes, and decreases a bit with increasing number of trees harvested. For site class G14, initial number of trees 1,600 per ha, number of trees harvested 400 per ha, and hauling distance 50 m, the net price per tree is NOK 15.10. Under the same conditions, except that the hauling distance is 500 m, the net price is NOK 3.


Det er vist i norske og utenlandske forsøk at miljøplantingerkan gi et betydelig bedre lokalklima, noe som fører til en rekke fordeler i jord og hagebruksproduksjonen


I dette notat vurderer vi en metode for å beregne marginal avkastning for jord, og viser en del beregningsresultater for kornbruk. Vi tar for oss problemstillinger som vedrører funksjonstype og spesifisering av tilleggsinformasjon til den ordinære funksjonen. Vi har i de økonometriske beregningene tatt utgangspunkt i en produktfunksjon med avling målt i fôrenheter som avhengig variabel og tre innsatsfaktorer; kapital, arbeid og areal, som forklaringsvariabler. De marginale avkastningene har vi verdsatt med gjennomsnittlig, korrigert driftsoverskudd per FEm. Beregningene gir marginale avkastninger for areal på gjennomsnittspunktet på 400 kr per dekar pluss minus ca. 10 prosent for de aller fleste beregninger. Denne verdien vil gjelde for gjennomsnittskvalitet på jord. De ikke-logaritmiske funksjonstypene har jevnt over størst forklaringsgrad. Det er vanskelig å si utfra estimeringene hvilken funksjonstype som er best. R2-beregningene peker mot generaliserte Leontieffunksjoner. [...]


Denne rapporten er resultatet av et forprosjekt til studie av matvarepriser i Norge. Oppdragsgiveren, Landbruksdepartementet, vurderer om det skal settes i gang løpende rapportering om prisene i Norge. Forprosjektet inngår i denne vurderingen. Det er forsøkt å gi svar på tilsynelatende enkle spørsmål: Hvor mye bidrar det enkelte ledd i verdikjeden (i hovedsak jordbruk, industri, grossist og detaljist) til den endelige forbrukerprisen? Hva er norske matvarepriser sammenlignet med prisene i naboland? Er prisene i typiske grensehandelsbutikker forskjellige fra prisene ellers i landet? Hvilke metoder kan benyttes i vurderingen av prisene på ulike ledd? Kan allerede tilgjengelig statistikk benyttes? Selv om spørsmålene er enkle, har oppgaven vist seg å være komplisert. Problemstillingene er relevante av flere grunner enn at oppdragsgiver er interessert i dem: Det er betydelig interesse i den offentlige opinion om forbrukerpriser på matvarer. Grensehandelen fører til en større handelslekkasje til naboland, dvs. tapte markedsandeler for norsk jordbruk, foredlingsindustri og handel. En forbedring av dette krever forståelse for forskjeller i prisnivå mellom landene. Studier av priser på ulike ledd i verdikjeden kan gi materiale for vurdering av monopol- eller oligopoltendenser i sektoren. [...]

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The biomass in four dominant field layer species was followed during six years after a fire in a pine forest in Sveio, western Norway. The overall biomass in the different species was estimated from the biomass per shoot, the shoot densities in pure stands of the investigated species and the percentage cover at medium burned sites. Corresponding measurements were made at control plots outside the burned area.The method was checked by comparing with ordinary area based sampling technique, and a general good agreement was found. The Vaccinium species and calluna were the dominant species at the control plot.Three years after the fire the total overall biomass at the burned site was already higher than at the control site, due to improved light and nutrient conditions. A strong increase in the overall biomass of Calluna vulgaris and deschampsia flexuosa was found in burned areas, and a slower regrowth of Vaccinium myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea.However, in the future the biomass is expected to decrease, and the species composition will probably change as nutrients are leached out of the soil and pine and deciduous trees (Betula pubescens and Salix caprea) are regerating from seeds and roots, leading to increased competition in the field and shrub layer.