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A.R. Lundon S.S. KlemsdalSammendrag
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Transfer of nitrogen from clover to grass can be an important component in nutrient cycling, especially in poor soils. Plant root exudates are an important source of carbon and nitrogen in the rhizosphere and may actively contribute to grass growth and nutrient uptake. It has been shown that nitrate and ammonium uptake by white clover can be influenced by temperature, but little work has been done to determine the effect of temperature on substrate release from white clover roots and subsequent effects on grasses. Stresses imposed on clover plants may change the form and quantity of root exudation and will effect the general carbon and nitrogen economy of white clover. The ways in which temperature stress affects nutrient uptake and root exudation of clover and ryegrass were studied in this project.
Staffan Jacobson Mikko Kukkola E. Mälkönen Bjørn TveiteSammendrag
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V.R. Nsolomo Halvor Solheim Kåre Olav VennSammendrag
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V.R. Nsolomo Halvor Solheim Kåre Olav VennSammendrag
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P.C. Evensen Halvor Solheim Klaus Høiland J. StenersenSammendrag
Three clones of Norway spruce (Picea abies) were studied for their response to mass-inoculation with the blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica. The effect of different pretreatments (fungal inoculation and wounding) before mass-inoculation was investigated for their possible role in an acquired resistance reaction.Pretreated trees showed enhanced resistance to the subsequent mass-inoculation relative to control trees that received no pretreatment. Furthermore, the fungal colonization of inoculated trees was less than that of wounded trees. The phenolic content of the bark, analysed by RP-HPLC, was compared in trees receiving different treatments.Trees inoculated with C. polonica had higher average concentration of ()-catechin, taxifolin and trans-resveratrol than wounded trees. Both inoculated and wounded trees had higher average concentrations of these compounds than control trees.The effect of the phenolic extract of Norway spruce bark on the growth of the root rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum and the blue-stain fungi C. polonica and Ophiostoma penicillatum were investigated in vitro. Heterobasidion annosum was not negatively affected, and the extracts had fungistatic effects on the blue-stain fungi. The growth of O. penicillatum was more inhibited than the growth of the more aggressive C. polonica.
Anne Marte Tronsmo Ingerd Skow HofgaardSammendrag
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