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In spite of nitrogen being a major limiting factor for forest growth in most parts of Scandinavia, increased nitrate levels in surface waters and soil water have been coupled to questions of increased inputs and decreasing immobilization of nitrogen in watersheds. To study an ecosystem response to elevated nitrogen deposition, NH4NO3 was added to a 0.52 ha forested headwater catchment in weekly portions by means of sprinklers below the canopy. Total nitrogen input as throughfall increased from the ambient 11 kg N ha-1 yr-1 to approximately 51 kg ha-1 yr-1 in the treatment years. The catchment, situated in Grdsjn, Sweden, is dominated by naturally generated Norway spruce with Scots pine in drier areas. The mean age of the forest is 104 yr. N concentrations in foliage, weight and N concentrations in litterfall, in situ net N mineralization and nitrate transformation (resin core technique), and leaching of N below the organic LFH horizon were studied on a catchment (NITREX) or plot (NITREX, CONTROL) level. This was coupled with input-output budgets to estimate fluxes and cycling of N during the pre-treatment year and the third year of treatment. There was a significant increase in net N mineralization in the NITREX plots the 3rd year of treatment, and a significant interaction between plot and year indicating a response to N addition for both net mineralization and nitrate transformation. The increased flux of nitrate from incubated soil cores, as well as the increased concentration in soil water and runoff indicated that the increased nitrification was possibly coupled with a preferential uptake of NH4---N by the microflora. The spatial variability of the nitrogen transformation rates was generally large and increased with treatment. The N concentration in needle litter showed an increase the 5th year of treatment, but no effect of nitrogen addition was found on the total weight of litterfall or on the N concentration of foliage. The key processes that determine the ecosystem response to increased inputs of nitrogen seem to be net mineralization and nitrogen transformation rates, together with the mechanism and capacity of N assimilation into the soil pool. The major sink for both externally added and internally produced inorganic N was calculated to be the soil organic pool. N assimilation into the upper organic LF horizon dominated, and this assimilation is the first of three suggested ways for coniferous ecosystems to respond to increased chronic N input.Over time, the system is hypothesized to change towards a system with a reduced assimilation capacity, a possible decreased decomposition rate, and an increased export of nitrate through leaching. The time-span of these changes is still uncertain.


Formålet med undersøkinga har vore å analysere utviklinga i kostnader på mjølkeproduksjonsbruk dei siste 25 åra. Ein tok sikte på å analysere to problemstillingar nærare, utvikling i totale kostnader pr. produkteining og kostnadsstrukturen. For båe områda ville ein sjå om der var nokon skilnad i utvikling mellom bruk med varierande produksjonsomfang og mellom bruk frå ulike geografiske område. Materialet som er nytta i denne analysa, er driftsgranskingane i jord- og skogbruk utarbeid av Norsk institutt for landbruksøkonomisk forskning (NILF). Den grunnleggjande metoden som er brukt er multippel regresjonsanalyse. For gjennomsnittsbruket med 12-13 kyr og ein mjølkeleveranse på 75 000 kg i året, auka einingskostnadene frå 7,50 kr/kg i 1972 til 10,34 kr/kg i 1980. Deretter var det relativt stabilt fram til 1990, men i 1996 hadde kostnadene vorte redusert med 1,30 kr/kg til 9,14 kr/kg sidan 1985. Det er kraftfôr- og kapitalkostnadene som har vorte redusert mest med hhv. 0,73 og 0,54 kr/kg mjølk. Desse to delkostnader er dei to viktigaste etter arbeidskostnadene. Skilnaden i einingskostnader mellom store og små bruk har auka i løpet av perioden. I 1972 var kostnaden 8,48 kr/kg på bruk med ein mjølkeleveranse på 50 000 kg, medan kostnaden for bruk med 100 000 kg i leveranse var 6,97 kr/kg, eller 17,8 % lågare. I 1996 hadde kostnadene på dei minste bruka stige til 11,13 kr/kg, medan tilsvarande tal for det største bruket var 8,04 kr/kg. Einingskostnadene på dei største bruka var no 27,8 % lågare enn på dei minste. I 1972 var arbeidskostnadene viktigaste årsak til skilnader, medan det i 1996 ser ut til å vere skalafordeler ved fleire kostnadsarter. I heile perioden har kostnadene vore høgast i Nord-Norge, i 1996 var skilnaden til Flatbygdene 0,72 kr/kg, trass i at arbeidskostnadene var 0,44 kr/kg lågare. Kraftfôrkostnadene har alltid vore høgast i Nord-Norge, i 1996 var dei 0,49 kr/kg høgare enn på Austlandet.