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The Alstroemeria cultivars Diamond, King Cardinal and Libelle were grown for 18 month under five lighting regimes with and without soil cooling. The aim was to optimize the daily investment of light energy from artificial sources with respect to photoperiod and photosynthetic fluence rates and to elucidate possible links between reactions to photoperiod and root-zone temperature. the more photons that were supplied to the plants per day, the higher was the total production of floweringstems. The total yield from regimes with 13 mol -2 day -1 was higher was higher when the light was spread over 20 and 60 hours compared to 12 hours. In treatments with soil coolong the plants flowerd continously under aall combinationa of photoperiods and photosynthetic fluence rates, and the summer and autumn recession in flower production that occured for non-cooled "Kong Cardinal" and "Diamond" was the same under all lightening regimes. it is concluded that it might be more cots-effective to spread the daily investment of light over 20 than 16 or 12 h when the total energy budget and co2 cost are taken inti consideration.


Results are given for yield and clover content from field trials on two sites in Norway. Good DM-yields were obtained on well decayed peat still in the 4th harvest year. On coastal peat soil with a high degree of humification a big reduction in DM-yield was revealed due to nutrient deficiency.


In Norwegian lakes, organic nitrogen typically constitutes about 60% of the total dissolved pool of nitrogen. However, evaluation of its effect on aquatic ecosystems and its role as promoter of heterotrophic growth in water distribution systems is difficult because of restricted knowledge about the various forms of organically-bound nitrogen in water. On line standard wet chemical analysis of total nitrogen was combined with high-performance size exclusion chromatographic (HPSEC) separation of natural organic matter (NOM) for investigation of the distribution of nitrogen between size classes of NOM. It was found that the high molecular weight (HMW) size fractions (humic acids) are enriched in nitrogen relative to the low molecular weight (LMW) size fractions (fulvic acids, nominal molecular weights of about 1000 Daltons) by a factor of up to 10. The low molecular weight size fractions (a few hundred Daltons) are interpreted to be of autocthonous origin based on their low C/N ratios, and correlation with the eutrophic status of the source waters. It was observed that NOM from water sources surrounded by large catchments contains relatively more nitrogen in HMW size fractions than NOM from small catchments, except that bog-derived NOM is particularly enriched in HMW nitrogen.