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Bakgrunnen for arbeidet er de reduserte mulighetene for avsetning av massevirke av furu og lauv i Telemark og Agder. I den forbindelse vurderes mulighetene for å etablere ny industri som kan utnytte denne tømmerressursen. I dettet arbeidet vurderer man OSB (Oriented Strand Board) spesielt. OSB er en plate med lange, tynne spon med bestemt orientering. Platene har fysiske og mekaniske egenskaper som er bedre enn sponplater og tilnærmet lik kryssfiner. Platene produseres av rundvirke av mange forskjellige treslag. Produksjon av OSB i Nord Amerika er basert på osp (Populus tremuloides & P. Grandidenta) eller furu (Southern yellow pines), mens man i Europa bruker nesten bare furu (Pinus sylvestris). Utbyttet ved produksjon av OSB er mellom 55 % og 60 %. Produksjonen av OSB foregår i følgende trinn: barking, flising, tørking, limpåføring, orientering av flis og pressing. Produksjonsprosessen er beskrevet generelt og spesielt for CSC Forest Products’ fabrikk i Inverness, Skottland. Produksjonen av OSB i Europa var ca 690 000 kbm i 1997. Det er fem fabrikker i Europa i dag, o


Relationships were established between total above-ground dry mass of cabbage and crop N-concentration at periods ranging from 60 to 140 days from transplanting. Optimum levels of N-concentration were lower than those suggested by an equation used in the model of Greenwood et al. (1996), and only slightly higher than those indicated by the equation which he has previously proposed for arable crops. Use of the former equation suggests that crop N-contents should be considerably higher than is necessary for good growth. This may lead to excessive leaching losses from plant residues. Our findings therefore indicate that the equation used for arable crops is also suitable for cabbage.


Effekten av plastdekking til ulike tidspunkt før hausting gav ein klar reduksjon i talet på frukter angrepne av grå monilia (Monilinia laxa), gråskimmel (Botrytis cinerea) og andre soppsjukdomar.


An efficient Biolistic transformation technology was developed to stably transform Picea abies (L.) Karst. Several embryogenic tissue lines were tested for proliferation on standard embryogenesis media. Transient transformation studies with these lines were performed to optimize the parameters for genetic transformation. Selection conditions for transgenic tissue based on the nptII resistance gene in combination with the antibiotic geneticin were defined such that only transgenic P. abies lines were able to develop. Nontransgenic tissue was completely inhibited under these conditions. Stable integration of a uidA reporter gene and a nptII resistance gene into the genome of P. abies was achieved and more than 200 mature embryos were regenerated for every transformation event. Histochemical and fluorometric analysis indicated strong expression of the uidA gene in transgenic material. ELISA studies to detect and quantify the nptII gene product as well as polymerase chain reaction and Southern blotting confirmed the presence and integration of uidA and nptII genes into the P. abies genome. Transgenic P. abies plants from nine independent transformation events were recovered and are currently growing in a greenhouse for genetically modified organisms, awaiting field release.